[OPLINLIST] Digitization Survey

Laurie Gemmill lgemmill@ohiohistory.org
Fri, 3 Oct 2003 12:16:59 -0400

During the last few months Ohio Memory staff conducted a survey to =
assess the state of digitization in Ohio.  We appreciate the time people =
took to complete the survey.  On August 28, 2003, Ohio Memory hosted a =
symposium discussing survey results on digitization in Ohio and =
recognizing participants in Ohio Memory Phase 2.
Survey results are now available at: =
Photographs from the event are also available at: =
The project is funded in part through an Institute of Museum and Library =
Services grant awarded by the State Library of Ohio.

Laurie Gemmill
Assistant Head, Online Access Dept.
Ohio Historical Society
(614) 297-2589
(614) 297-2546 FAX