[OPLINLIST] Business conducted on OPLIN computers

Mann, James H. JMann@mailserv.gcpl.lib.oh.us
Mon, 20 Oct 2003 12:02:17 -0400

We block chat, and as an extension of chat have blocked games. The
problem is that Yahoo and MSN games are pretty much chat and we had the
issue of some young girls being hit on in a game room. As usual, we
don't get all of them but we do get a lot.


-----Original Message-----
From: Martha Lee [mailto:leem1@oplin.org]=20
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 11:58 AM
To: oplinlist@oplin.org
Subject: Re: [OPLINLIST] Business conducted on OPLIN computers

Someone just told me the "personal gain" thing on OPLIN policies just
applies to staff and trustees.   Someone else asked if the problem is
not enough terminals.  Generally we don't turn people away, except after
school when the kids play games.  Speaking of which, I just had another
patron complain at the desk he thinks it is a waste of taxpayer money to
allow people to play games on public terminals.  He refused to be seated
next to someone (both are adults, by the way) who was playing.  Since I
four empty terminals right now, I accomodated him.  What's a librarian
do?  Sometimes I feel like I'm home refereeing the kids.
    But the business thing - what is your policy?

       Martha Lee
       Bluffton Public Library

----- Original Message -----=20
From: <nkoebel@birchard.lib.oh.us>
To: "Martha Lee" <leem1@oplin.org>
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [OPLINLIST] Business conducted on OPLIN computers

> We have now and have in the past had people who use Ebay, which could
considered "personal gain".  It's a very narrow interpretation, one that
probably could be challenged.
> We did draw the line when we had a guy who was downloading "free"
and selling them outside of the library.
> Nancy Koebel
> Birchard Public Library of Sandusky County
> nkoebel@birchard.lib.oh.us
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Martha Lee <leem1@oplin.org>
> Date: Monday, October 20, 2003 10:50 am
> Subject: [OPLINLIST] Business conducted on OPLIN computers
> >   Bluffton Public Library just received a letter from "a
> > disgruntled" tax payer complaining we have some people using our
> > public terminals "for personal gain".  It is in the OPLIN policy
> > that "commercial activity; including but not limited to operating
> > a business for personal gain" is prohibited on OPLIN network.
> >   How do you know what patrons are doing on the computer?  Should
> > you know, as  long as you aren't seeing something obvious like
> > naked people on the screen?
> >   I don't know how our letter writer knows people are using
> > terminals "for personal gain".  While we have regular users, I
> > don't ask what they are doing or why.  One man last summer was
> > using a terminal about an hour a day when his small business
> > terminal was in the shop.  I considered that a legitimate use.
> > Another user wrote a book, which he has published.  According to
> > OPLIN policy, are those legitimate uses?
> >   Has anyone else run into this question at their library?  Any
> > suggestions for handling the issue, should the patron pursue it?
> >
> > Martha Lee
> > Head of Circulation
> > Bluffton Public Library

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