[OPLINLIST] Virus Alert?

Don Yarman yarmando@oplin.org
Thu, 30 Oct 2003 11:13:49 -0500

Be aware that it's common for the current viruses to disguise
where they come from.  The virus most likely did not come
from Stephen Hedges, but from someone who has Mr. Hedges in
his address book.  But the warning is valid:  it's a good
idea to have up-to-date anti-virus software!

                          Don Yarman
                          OPLIN Library Services Manager

-----Original Message-----
From: oplinlist-admin@oplin.org [mailto:oplinlist-admin@oplin.org] On
Behalf Of Susan Hill
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 10:59 AM
Subject: [OPLINLIST] Virus Alert?

I just received a message from Stephen Hedges addressed to "undisclosed
recipients" regarding legislative updates on library funding.  The
attachment had the word "architects" in it.  My virus software caught
it.  Just a heads up?
Susan N. Hill
Library Director/Editor
Paulding County Carnegie Library
Rural Library Services Newsletter
205 S. Main Street
Paulding, OH  45879
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419.399.2114 (fax)
shill@pauldingcountylibrary.org (e-mail)
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