[OPLINLIST] Workshop: Maintaining Print Collections (Springfield, OH) (fwd)
Rob Withers
Tue, 6 Apr 2004 19:47:51 -0400 (EDT)
The Collection Management Interest Group of ALAO (Academic Library
Association of Ohio) presents:
"Maintaining Print Collections: Something Old, Something New, Something
Borrowed, Something Moldy."
Please join us for a discussion about maintaining print collections. Are
print collections still relevant? If so, is cooperative collection
development feasible? Bring your questions to this session for an in-depth
continuation of our fall meeting at ALAO.
If libraries begin to rely on one another in cooperative collection
development, then disaster prevention and response becomes that much more
important. The afternoon panel will address topics in disaster management,
including how to prepare for and respond to disasters. We will also hear
from the chair of the Ohio Preservation Council, and will follow up with
small group discussions to be led by the panel members.
The workshop will be at Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, on May
27, 2004. Participants from all types of libraries are welcome. To
register, please go to this web site:
Rob Withers
Assistant to the Dean & University Librarian
Miami University Libraries
Oxford, OH 45056