[OPLINLIST] "Your [Public] Library Online" - PC Magazine Feb 17, 2004 pp56-57.
David Dial
Mon, 2 Feb 2004 19:09:05 -0800 (PST)
"Your [Public] Library Online" is the focus of PC
MAGAZINE's current "Solutions" column. This
librarian-authored article is a promotional for using
public library databases, concluding with: "It's time
to rediscover the library.... Become a member and
don't forget to visit your library in person, too."
This article will probably be read by a primarily male
audience, a demographic group that library PR
sometimes misses. Buying an extra copy of the
magazine and putting the article on the bulletin board
might be a good investment in reaching this group.
Having reference staff become aware of the databases
mentioned which are not OPLIN subscriptions would
prepare them to suggest alternative ways to obtain the
same type of information from the library.
The article is presently available online:
If you are considering putting a link to the article
on your website, you could inquire from PCMagazine how
long this link will be active when you request
permission to link. In my experience with other
periodicals, links to current articles tend to break
when the next issue is released!
Hope this is helpful!
David Dial, Librarian
Cleveland Education Center
Indiana Wesleyan University
4100 Rockside Road
Independence, OH 44131