[OPLINLIST] Health Librarianship Course Fall 2004

Theodore Morris tamorris@kent.edu
Fri, 18 Jun 2004 15:42:30 -0400

[Cross-posted to several lists, but please re-circulate to friends and=20
colleagues who might be interested. Thank you!]

Health Librarianship Course:  Fall 2004

Would like to work in a medical library, hospital library, or medical=20
school library?  Are you interested in health care and health information=20
sources and services?  If so, this is the perfect class for YOU!

This Fall, Kent State University's School of Library and Information=20
Science is offering the following elective:

         Special Topics: Health Librarianship (LIS 61095)
                 Mondays, 6:00-8:40 p.m.
         August 30 - December 6 (no class on September 6)
                 197 Mount Hall
         The Ohio State University, West Campus

The course introduces principles of health sciences librarianship from=20
multiple perspectives and as practiced in multiple venues. Topics include:

=B7       History and philosophy of health librarianship
=B7       Resource selection
=B7       Organization and dissemination of information
=B7       Reference services
=B7       Library management in the health environment
=B7       Current and emerging issues facing health libraries and librarians

The course offers a mixture of lectures, discussions, student=20
presentations, and on-site library tours to area health information=20
institutions large and small.

Upon completion, you will:

=B7       Understand the health care environment, including the importance=
evidence-based medicine, and the roles of health libraries and librarians=20
=B7       Identify major role players in health care and health=
=B7       Identify best practices for selecting, organizing, and=20
disseminating information sources and services useful for health=20
researchers, practitioners, and educators
=B7       Recognize types of, and sources for, health information
=B7       Relate health librarianship to other library and information=20
science settings

There are no prerequisites for this course.


Dr. Theodore Morris (Assistant Professor) has a background in medical=20
informatics and served over 21 years at the University of Cincinnati=20
(primarily in its Medical Center) before moving to Kent State University in=
2000 and finishing his Ph.D. (Drexel University, 2001).

For more information on course content, feel free to contact Dr. Morris at=
614-292-7746 or

To Register:
If you are a current Kent State student, please use Web for Students=20
(http://wfs.kent.edu), and enter call number 13805.  If you are not a Kent=
State student, please contact Deb Banks about registration procedures at=20

Theodore Allan (Ted) Morris, PhD          | tamorris@kent.edu
Asst. Prof., Columbus Pgm., Kent State U. | wb8vnv@hotmail.com
   School of Library & Information Science | "Hey, TED!!"
124 Mount Hall - 1050 Carmack Rd.         |    Voice       Fax
Columbus, OH 43210                        | 614-292-7746, -3618
   Failure isn't the falling down, it's the not getting up again.