[OPLINLIST] Optional Heritage Quest contract
Don Yarman
Mon, 28 Jun 2004 09:39:38 -0400
The deadline for returning "Intent to Participate"
forms has passed. However, due to the recent announcement
by Thompson-Gale that they will no longer be carrying
Ancestry Plus, we would like to extend for another
two weeks the offer for Heritage Quest from ProQuest.
Those of you who have already returned your forms and
did not select HeritageQuest may submit a correction
if you wish. (Please initial and date your corrections).
Forms can be faxed to the OPLIN office at 614.728.5256,
or mailed to us at:
2323 West 5th Ave., Suite 130
Columbus, OH 43204
Directors or reference managers can email their
preferences to me, but we do need hard copies of the
forms for our files.
Don Yarman
OPLIN Library Services Manager