[OPLINLIST] What's New on NetWellness

Kishman, Charles (kishmacp) KISHMACP@UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Tue, 12 Oct 2004 16:56:59 -0400

What's New on NetWellness- October, 2004

Breast Cancer - October's Feature

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Breast Cancer is the second
leading cause of cancer death in women with over 200,000 new cases in the
United States alone estimated for 2004. While the causes are unknown,
treatment is available and the number of deaths each year from this disease
decreases. Early detection and treatment is the key. Increasing awareness
and education about this disease was the guiding passion of our late friend
and colleague, Janet Trigg, a NetWellness expert who answered 559 questions
posed by NetWellness visitors. These are also the goals of Syed A. Ahmad,
MD, who now answers questions about breast cancer. NetWellness can help you
answer "how to do a breast self exam", "what are the latest treatments," and
much more. 

College of the Month - The Ohio State University College of Nursing

The OSU College of Nursing, with a faculty of over 60 members who are
doctorally-prepared or masters-prepared clinicians, provides educational
programs at three levels. There is a large undergraduate enrollment, and
advanced nursing practice masters degrees are offered in a number of
specialty areas including adult nurse practitioner, family nurse
practitioner, nurse midwifery, neonatal nurse practitioner, psychiatric
clinical nurse specialist, pediatric nurse practitioner, and women's health
nurse practitioner.  Graduates of the doctoral program are prepared to
conduct nursing research, and many assume faculty roles in academic
settings.  Over 9,000 alumni provide leadership in all aspects of the
nursing profession. 

Faculty research addresses a wide range of health care issues related to
smoking behavior and cessation, HIV symptom management and medication
adherence, reducing cervical cancer risk, pulmonary rehabilitation, fatigue
and pregnancy, clinical informatics, weaning from mechanical ventilation,
rural health care, hypoxia and pulmonary sleep disorders, stress and coping
in school-aged children, social determinants of health, growth outcomes in
vulnerable infants, and sexual health among adolescents and young adults.  
The Nursing Center for Tobacco Intervention website, which is maintained in
the College of Nursing, was initiated through an educational grant from the
American Nurses Foundation and the American Nurses Association.  Mary Ellen
Wewers and Karen Ahijevych, faculty members, are co-directors of the center,
which was designed to provide smoking cessation information, smoking-related
research, international links, and information about trying to quit.  
Smoking Cessation / Tobacco Abuse - New Article

The health risks of smoking are well known. Every day many people attempt to
break the habit. The first phase for many smokers is to attempt to cut back,
but is this effective? To get the real scoop read the new NetWellness
article titled: Cutting Back on Cigarettes: When Less is More by Karen L.
Ahijevych, Ph.D., R.N. to get the real low down. 

Congratulations Dr. Tami 

Thomas A. Tami, MD, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, has
received the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
(AAO-HNS) Distinguished Service Award. The Award recognizes Dr. Tami for his
presentation of several instructional courses and scientific papers at
AAO-HNS annual meetings. In addition, he has served on AAO-HNS editorial
boards, clinical and educational committees, and has participated in
otolaryngology research.  Dr. Tami was one of NetWellness's first experts,
starting the Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders topic over 7 years ago. He and
his department colleagues have answered over 1300 questions. Dr. Tami has
answered more than 550 questions himself. NetWellness congratulates Dr. Tami
for his award and thanks him for his contributions to NetWellness. A note
from one NetWellness visitor says it all about Dr. Tami:  "giving simply
stated information in a format one can pass on to the patient, and he can
understand-----Thank You."

Diabetes - New Introduction

The number of Americans diagnosed each year with Diabetes is increasing.
Almost 7% of Americans have been diagnosed with Diabetes. If you or someone
you love suffers from this disease, our new Diabetes Introduction, by Robert
Cohen, MD and Laurie Sadler, MD, should be on your must reading list. 

Low Fat vs. Low Carb Diet Studied in Breast Cancer- Video News Release

In our effort to provide the most current information to visitors,
NetWellness is now adding video news releases from partner universities to
the site. These are brief but content-rich interviews with researchers. The
following have been added this month:

"Low Fat vs. Low Carb Diet Studied in Breast Cancer" with Electra D.
Paskett, PhD, Professor, in the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the James
Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute of The Ohio State University.
What Is NetWellness?

A special thanks to Jane Puleo, Library Media Specialist, at Garfield
Heights High School. Jane has prepared a very nice PowerPoint presentation
on using NetWellness for a health and wellness fair at her school. She has
graciously offered it for use by anyone interested. Her presentation titled:
"What Is NetWellness?" is available from the Help area on our site.

Let Us Know How We're Doing

We are always trying to improve to meet your needs. What do we do well? What
can we do to better fit your needs? Please send your comments through our
"Feedback" feature and we'll get them into the right hands. Thanks again for
using NetWellness!

About NetWellness

NetWellness is a non-profit consumer health Web site that provides high
quality information created and evaluated by health professions faculty at
the University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and The Ohio
State University. Started in June 1995, NetWellness was one of the first
health sites on the Internet.