[OPLINLIST] NOVELIST NOTES (Oct): Version 5.1 Features Are Available!

Lynne Rohweder LRohweder@epnet.com
Fri, 29 Oct 2004 14:28:48 -0400

NoveList Notes					October, 2004
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 NoveList K-8 Version 5.1
New Features with notes and some sample Searches

	Clickable Subject Headings: 
	The subject headings at the title record level are now clickable and
searchable. Each subject heading in the title record has a check box next to
it. Check one or more check boxes to search for more titles based on those
subject heading(s) selected. 
	To check this out, try this search: 
	1.	Go to NoveList K-8 and click the START button or the New
Search button.
	2.	Select Find a Favorite Title link.
	3.	Enter 'walk two moons' and click SEARCH.
	WHAT YOU SEE: At the title record, you will see that the subject
headings are now clickable.  You can select "thirteen-year old girls" and
"girls - friendship" or you could go the route of selecting the " ALA
Notable Children's Books" and "Newbery Medal books" based on the desires of
the student and then click on the Subject Search button.  NoveList will then
search the database based on the subjects that are checked.
	Article and List Search: 
	This new search category provides increased access to Author
read-alikes, Book Discussion Guides, BookTalks, Feature Articles, School
Content, and Readers' Advisory Support Material. All of the book discussion
guides, or awards lists that relate to or mention a specific author, title,
genre or character (Kent Haruf, To Kill a Mockingbird, historical fiction,
Lemony Snicket) will be easy to access using the new search function. 
	This is a really exciting new feature!  As you know, we have
hundreds of articles of added content beyond the database of fiction titles
(Author Read-alikes, Book Discussion Guides, Archived NoveList Notes,
Feature Articles, BookTalks, School Content Bibliographies, Feature
Articles) as well as about 1200 pre-made lists (Explore Fiction, Best
Fiction) but no way to search this rich material UNTIL NOW!
	1.	Click New Search to return to the New Search page.
	2.	Just under the Boolean search, you will see Article and List
Search.  Select this link.
	3.	Notice that there is a drop down box to the right of the
Find: Box.  The default is to search with All Types of content selected but
you could specify to only search for Author Read-alikes or Award Lists if
you chose to.  
	4.	Let's say that you are a school librarian who would like to
know what content you have on Lemony Snicket.  Type in: lemony snicket and
click Search.
	WHAT YOU SEE:  You will see a listing of all articles that refer to
Lemony Snicket.  As with the search results of the database, you can select
the link to go to the article to review it in more depth.  You can use the
"Results List" link at the top of the page to return to the list. 
	My NoveList - Personal Lists Redesigned: 
	Based on customer feedback, NoveList features a more intuitive,
easier to use redesigned Personal Lists system. With My NoveList, users will
continue to create a personal login to save search results in folders, while
enjoying a simplified process for creating, saving, and retrieving multiple
	Let's say that you want to create a Personal List in NoveList.  Try
	1.	Select the New Search button in NoveList.
	2.	Select Boolean Search.
	3.	Select (dropdown): Subject, and type in: boys AND select
(dropdown): Review, and type in: reluctant readers.  I also limited the
level to young adult.  (This search will find titles that have a subject
heading with "boys" and one or more review with "reluctant reader" in it.)
Click search. 
	WHAT YOU SEE: This search should retrieve over 80 titles of books
that have boys as a subject heading and refer to "reluctant reader" in the
review.  Look through the reviews and select about four of these titles that
you want to put in a Personal list by selecting the "Add" link for each of
the desired titles.  Note that now you have links for print and e-mailing
just above the search results list.  You also have a link to view the list
and to add all of the titles to the list.  
	At any time, you can click on the "View List" link to go into the
Personal List.  Here's what you see:
	Step 1: What do you want to do?  If you want to save the list, you
MUST sign into My NoveList (see call out above).  You may just want to print
or E-mail the list.  In that case, you can click on one of those links.  
	Step 2: To save the list, click on the "Sign In to My NoveList"
link.  If you have not created a login, you will need to do that, if you
have, you can enter your user name and password, click Continue and it will
return you back to this screen but it will now look like this: 
	Step 3 - Saving a List: You now have the option to move or copy
selected items to a new or existing (saved) lists.  First you select which
titles you want added to the list.  You can click on the "Select All" button
to move all of the titles over or you have the choice to select individual
titles by selecting the check boxes next to the titles. 
	Step 4 - Saving a List:  You can just click the Submit button and
this will create a new list (the default).  Note however, that the New List
is on a drop down that includes all lists that the user has created.  If you
have no previously saved lists, there will be no other lists here. If you
created lists in the previous version, they will be displayed.
	Some librarians and media specialists will create multiple lists and
want to add books to different lists and this feature will become very
valuable to them.  A sample dropdown menu of saved lists appears at right.
Instead of creating a new list, I could have selected one or two titles and
added them to an existing list.  We know from our customers' feedback, that
there are librarians out there who use Personal lists in this way.
	Step 5 - Saving a List: After you click on the Submit button (if it
is a New List), you will need to name the list and click Submit one more
	E-Mail Documents: 
	In response to popular demand, NoveList now provides the ability to
e-mail Book Discussion Guides, BookTalks, Author Read-alikes, or Feature
	Clarity on Title Record Links:  
	In this version, the Book Discussion Guide now indicates the title
of the Book Discussion Guide that it is linking to.  In fact, this is the
case for all of the content.  We are listing the titles for Feature
Articles, Author Read-alikes and any other content that is linked from the
title record.  This will help provide much clearer information for the user.

	To view examples of this, check out the title record for The Giver
title record (by Lois Lowery).  Scroll to the bottom of this record where
you will see a couple of references to BookTalks and Feature Articles that
all refer to The Giver or other titles.  Each of these content pieces now
has the specific title of the article or BookTalk title listed.