[OPLINLIST] E-Rate Anouncement

Jo Kimmet JKIMMET@SLOMA.state.oh.us
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 11:37:51 -0400

The State Library will be sponsoring a series of workshops on the Federal
E-Rate program for the second straight year.

Last year's E-Rate workshops were a great success. We doubled the number of
library applicants and increased funding requests by over $1.2 million from
the previous application year.  With budgets as tight as they are, the
E-Rate Program can be a critical source of additional funds. 

The Universal Service Fund for Schools and Libraries, popularly known as the
E-Rate, provides all public and private schools and public libraries with
access to affordable telecommunications and advanced technologies. Schools
and libraries can apply annually for discounts of from 20 to 90% on
telecommunications services, Internet access and internal connections. All
Ohio public libraries are eligible to apply.

Workshops will provide an overview of the E-rate program, will discuss the
rationale for participation in the program and the value of E-rate support,
and will walk workshop participants through the preparation and submission
of the necessary forms to successfully request reimbursement under the
E-rate program. Any new changes in the E-rate program for the upcoming
funding year will also be discussed.  It is important to understand that the
E-Rate program is not a competitive grant program.  All applications for
eligible Telecommunications and Internet Access services that have been
submitted by eligible applicants, according to program rules, have been
approved and funded.

The workshop presenter again this year will be Dr. Dan Farslow, E-Rate
Coordinator for the State of Ohio and Program Manager for E-Rate Support and
Information at the Ohio SchoolNet Commission.  Dan's responsibilities
include assisting Ohio's schools and libraries in submitting applications
for E-Rate awards, representing Ohio's E-Rate interest with federal program
administrators and conducting annual E-Rate workshops for Ohio school
districts and libraries.  Ohio schools and libraries have met with a great
deal of success.  Schools have received over $72 million in E-rate awards
for funding year 2003 and over $350 million since 1998.  Last year 75 public
libraries applied for $2.5 million in e-rate funds.  So far there has been
less than a 1% rejection rate for library applications.

Dan is extremely knowledgeable about the E-Rate program and has a great deal
of experience and success in supporting the filing of requisite Forms 470
and 471.  There is a perception in the library community that filing an
E-Rate application is very difficult.  Dan will be able to provide many tips
and much guidance on understanding the E-Rate program as well as on
completing the application materials.  There is every reason to believe that
a library representative who attends these workshops will be able to file a
successful application.  Both experienced E-Rate program participants and
folks new to the program will benefit from attending the Workshops.

I encourage you to send the person (s) responsible for filing E-Rate
applications to these two workshops. Even if your library does not support
the Internet filtering provision mandated by CIPA, your library remains
eligible for the award of discounts on all applications for
"Telecommunication Services" including local and long-distance telephone
service, cellular service and bandwidth between branches including 56Kb and
T-1 lines.  

The first series of Workshops will be offered in October/November, providing
an overview of the E-Rate process, specific requirements for the upcoming
funding year and a line-by-line review of the Form 470, the first step in
the application process.  The second series of workshops, conducted in
November/December will offer line-by line review and analysis of the filing
of the Form 471, the actual application for discounts on eligible services.

These workshops are free. Workshops are offered through the Regional Library
Systems and are open to all Ohio public library representatives.
Participants may register on-line by visiting
http://www.slocem.lib.oh.us/default.asp?For=SLO signing up for a Form 470
workshop and also a follow-up Form 471 workshop. Please be sure you sign up
for TWO workshops. Below are the schedules:

	First Workshop Series Schedule (Overview/Update/Form 470) 9:30am -

	Wednesday, October 6   -   SOLO, Caldwell
Thursday,     October 7   -   MOLO, Newcomerstown
Thursday,     October 21 -   OVAL, Wellston
Thursday,     October 28 -   State Library, Columbus
Friday,          October 29 -   NOLA, Warren
Monday,       November 1 - GCLC, Cincinnati
Friday,          November 5 - CAMLS, Shaker Heights
Tuesday,      November 16 - NORWELD, Bowling Green

	Second Workshop Series Schedule (Form 471) 9:30am - 12 noon

	Monday,   November 15 - SOLO, Caldwell
Friday,      November 19 - OVAL, Wellston
Monday,   November 22 - MOLO, Newcomerstown
Monday,   November 29 - State Library, Columbus
Thursday, December 9  -  CAMLS, Shaker Heights
Friday,      December 10 - NOLA, Warren
Monday,   December 13 - GCLC, Cincinnati
Friday,      December 17 - NORWELD, Bowling Green

The exact location of the workshops can be found at the registration site.

If you have questions please contact Roger Verny at 1-800-644-6849 or