[OPLINLIST] Position open: Collection Resources Manager
Thu, 18 Aug 2005 15:39:23 -0400
Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library has a 3/4-time (30 hours per week)=
opening for a librarian to serve as Collection Resources Manager. Th=
is position manages our Technical Services Department and its staff, =
oversees centralized acquisitions, processing and cataloguing of libr=
ary materials, and selects and orders centralized purchases of popula=
r A/V and print materials. Minimum qualifications: ALA accredited MLS=
or MLIS, experience in Technical Services, automated library acquisi=
tions and cataloguing systems; strong supervisory and organizational =
skills; and excellent oral and written communication skills. Membersh=
ip and participation in professional organizations and Ohio Public Li=
brarian certification desirable. Salary range is $29,347 =96 45,053 a=
nnually (hourly equivalents $18.81 - $28.88), plus prorated benefits.=
To apply, please send a resume and letter of application to Jeff Fren=
ch, Director, WEPL, 263 East 305th St., Willowick, OH 44095. Deadline=
for applications is 5 PM, Friday, September 2, 2005. No phone calls,=
Jeff French
Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library
263 East 305 Street
Willowick, OH 44095
(440) 943-2203, ext. 100
fax (440) 943-2383