[OPLINLIST] What's New on NetWellness

Kishman, Charles (kishmacp) KISHMACP@UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Wed, 2 Feb 2005 15:24:51 -0500

What's New on NetWellness- February 1, 2005

Feature of the Month: Women (and girls) in Sports

February 9th is National Girls and Women in Sports Day. Many adults can
still remember the days when sports or even physical exercise by girls and
women was limited and even frowned upon. Society now recognizes the
positives, both physical and mental, that can be gained from participation
in athletics and exercise by all. NetWellness encourages everyone,
especially girls and women this February, to get involved in some sort of
sport or physical exercise for your own well being and for those who care
about you, and remember that NetWellness is here to help by answering your
health related questions. 

Feature Department - University Fitness, the University of Cincinnati

In this age of super sizing everything (including ourselves), the importance
of exercise and good eating habits cannot be overstated.  The University
Fitness Center has recognized the need for health enhancement activities
since the early 1980's.  As a division of University Health Services, the
mission of University Fitness is to provide the highest standard of service
for all its members enabling them to enhance their quality of life through
exercise and proper nutrition.

University Fitness membership is open to the public as well as students,
faculty, and staff of the University of Cincinnati.  In addition to a wide
variety of exercise equipment and classes, fitness assessments, personal
training, nutrition counseling, and massage therapy are available.

The staff of University Fitness has shared their expertise with NetWellness
visitors for the past five years, answering nearly 200 questions on Exercise
and Fitness.

Heart Disease - New Article

Do you know the signs of a heart attack? Almost everyone can name chest
pains, but there are other more subtle signs to watch for. To learn what
these are read "Subtle Symptoms May Be Biggest Clues to Heart Attack" a new
contribution from Charles A. Bush, MD, Medical Director at the Richard M.
Ross Heart Hospital of The Ohio State University. 

Diet and Nutrition - New Article

Every 5 years the US government issues updated dietary guidelines. The
latest updates were released in January of this year. Find out what the
latest recommendations are and what you can do to implement them in a new
article from Sharron Coplin , MS, RD, LD an Extension Nutrition Associate in
the College of Human Ecology at The Ohio State University who has provided a
new article titled: "New Dietary Guidelines Give Food for Thought" that will
help you keep up to date on the latest information.

Cancer - New Article

Possible new treatments for cancer are often found in places most of us
would never look.  In an article titled: "Lozenges May Offer Bite-Sized
Cancer Prevention" by Chris Weghorst, PhD, Associate Professor at the School
for Public Health at The Ohio State University, learn more about ongoing
research in the use of black raspberries in treating oral cancer.

Inherited Disorders and Birth Defects - New Article

"Hemochromatosis - A Common but Unrecognized Disease" by Mark Wurster, MD,
Assistant Professor in the College of Medicine and Public Health at The Ohio
State University has authored this interesting overview of one of the most
common diseases that you may never have heard of.

New Expert in Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders

NetWellness welcomes Ellis Arjmand, MD, PhD, Associate Professor in the
Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of the College of
Medicine at the University of Cincinnati and Director of the Center for
Hearing and Deafness Research at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical
Center. Dr. Arjmand has a particular interest in pediatric otology. His
research interests center around childhood hearing impairment.  Dr. Arjmand
will be answering questions on Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders, joining his
well-respected colleagues in this NetWellness topic.

NetWellness Redesign - NEW AND IMPROVED!

Coming soon to a computer near you - an improved NetWellness - finding the
health information you need is just about to get easier! Look for the
rollout of a complete redesign of NetWellness in the coming weeks.  

Let Us Know How We're Doing

We are always trying to improve to meet your needs. What do we do well? What
can we do to better fit your needs? Please send your comments through our
"Feedback" feature and we'll get them into the right hands. Thanks again for
using NetWellness!

About NetWellness

NetWellness is a non-profit consumer health Web site that provides high
quality information created and evaluated by health professions faculty at
the University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and The Ohio
State University. Started in June 1995, NetWellness was one of the first
health sites on the Internet.