[OPLINLIST] EGL-IUG Conference Announcement

Deberah England deberah.england@wright.edu
Mon, 18 Jul 2005 07:55:30 -0500

(This announcement is sent to multiple lists=2E  We apologize for any dup=

Wright State University=2C Fairborn=2C OH
September 16=2C 2005

Join us for the Eastern Great Lakes Innovative Users Group Annual Confere=
nce to be held on Friday=2C September =

16 at Wright State University near Dayton=2C Ohio=2E  =

The featured speaker will be Innovative Interface=92s Diane Lewin who wil=
l bring us up to date on Release 2006LE =

and highlights of Release 2006=2E  Programming features concurrent tracks=
 in acquisitions=2C cataloging=2C =

circulation=2C serials and electronic resources management=2C and WebOPAC=
/General! =

Program topics include=3A
=95 Streamlining acquisitions =

=95 Collection assessment =26 analysis panel
=95 TWO programs on ERM
=95 Modernizing workflows in MilSer
=95 Automating receipt cataloging in Millennium
=95 Macros and OCLC
=95 Circulation issues forum
=95 Materials booking
=95 WebOPAC administration
=95 Upgrading patron computers

New this year is a =93swap meet=2E=94  Bring your business cards=2C hando=
uts=2C help sheets=2C manuals=2C training guides=2C =

etc=2E=2C to share with colleagues!  An area will be provided for you to =
browse=2C network and pick up some cool ideas =

on working smarter and faster!

Registration is now open!  For registration=2C program details=2C travel =
information and more=2C visit the conference =

website at =


Registration deadline=3A September 2=2C 2005

Deberah England
Serials =26 Electronic Resources Librarian
Wright State University Libraries
3640 Col=2E Glenn Hwy=2E
Dayton=2C OH 45435-0001
Fax=3A 937-775-2481