[OPLINLIST] Disallowing chat/IM

Sherie Brown Sherie Brown" <brownsh@massillon.lib.oh.us
Mon, 28 Mar 2005 12:42:15 EST

Hello Libraryland.   

In our first days of public internet access at Massillon we chose the "patrons can decide to use their hour for anything they want" model, allowing gaming, chat and IM'ing along with browsing and word processing.  

Like so many things that are great in theory, we find that the reality of this policy means that our eleven PCs are *never* available for research or anything else remotely in our mission statement. Like many of you, we find ourselves turning into a combination arcade/online dating service...not that there would be anything wrong with that if we lived in a perfect world where space and funding would exist for a limitless number of workstations!

Additional concern about liability issues (with juveniles chatting with adults) factors in. 

So we are considering disallowing Chat/IM (with plenty of notice so patrons are not shocked.)  We would really appreciate input from any library who has made a similar choice before recommending that action to the Library Board.

No doubt there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.  Is there another downside we're not considering?

Replying offlist would be great, unless others want to weigh in.

Thanks in advance,
Sherie Brown

Sherie Brown
Head of Reference Services and Technology Support
Massillon Public Library
208 Lincoln Way E.
Massillon OH 44646   
Phone 330-832-9831
Fax 330-832-8273