[OPLINLIST] ALAO - Still Time to Get In on the Madness
Judith Perella
Sun, 02 Oct 2005 16:25:11 -0400
There is still time to register for the 31st Annual Conference of the =
Academic Library Association of Ohio, to be held on Friday, November 4, =
2005, at the Fawcett Center, Columbus, Ohio. The keynote speaker will be =
Joe Raiola, Senior Editor of MAD Magazine, who promises a thought-provoking=
and entertaining address on censorship and the challenges it poses to =
librarians as they attempt to balance issues of accessibility, privacy, =
protection of patrons, and good taste. Camila Alire, president of ACRL, =
will be the luncheon speaker, and will also lead a conference session on =
advocacy issues. Please join us for other interesting and thought-provokin=
g sessions on such topics as blogs and wikis, strategic planning, =
grantseeking, student training, information commons, and more. =20
Registration deadline is Friday, October 10. Information and registration =
forms are available at the conference web site at http://www.alaoweb.org/05=
conf/. Please refer registration questions to Kim Leggett, KLeggett@CSCC.e=