[OPLINLIST] Fw: Call for Libraries, Museums, Zoos, Aquariums to participate in Megaconference Jr. 2006

Mary Novak novakma at oplin.org
Tue Apr 4 17:03:30 EDT 2006


Arif Khan, Network Engineer at OARNet specializing in H.323
videoconferncing, asked me to post this announcement of the annual
MegaConferenceJr., a worldwide multipoint videoconference for students.

Franklin Public Library will be connecting for most of the 12 hour
conference and will be an Interactive Seat for the session "Jane: Diary of a
Dinosaur" at 5:45 p.m.

Philip Robinette
robineph at oplin.org
Franklin Public Library
(937) 746-2665

Dear Colleagues,

We need your help in recruiting new host sites for Megaconference Jr. 2006!

This year, we're asking libraries, museums, zoos, science centers,
aquariums, performing arts venues, and any other public cultural/educational
entities to get involved to host students, parents, and the community for
the 3rd Annual Megaconference Jr. 2006 event on May 18th. The Megaconference
Jr. - Stay for the Day! campaign has two goals: first, to encourage
participation through the full 12 hours of the event and second, to expose
parents and the community at large to the exciting opportunities available
to children around the world through Internet2 and broadband technologies.

Please help us circulate the attached flyer to these entities in your states
and support and encourage them to get involved. Let me know if you have any
questions or concerns about the Stay for the Day! campaign.

Thank you for helping us spread the word!

Kind Regards
Arif Khan
Global Internet2 H.323 Services NOC
OARnet - A Division of Ohio Supercomputer Center
800-627-6420 or 614-292-9191
akhan at oar.net
Ohio Supercomputer Center http://www.osc.edu
OARnet http://www.oar.net
Third Frontier Network http://www.osc.edu/oarnet/tfn/
Internet2 Commons http://commons.internet2.edu

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