[OPLINLIST] YA help needed

Don Yarman yarmando at oplin.org
Tue Aug 29 10:28:16 EDT 2006

The State Library maintains an email discussion list called OHIOYA.
To subscribe, send a message to ohioya-subscribe at winslo.state.oh.us.

It might be helpful for librarians who work with teens in middle and
high school to belong to the distribution lists for INFOhio and Library
Media Specialists.  You can subscribe to OELMA-L through their
website, http://www.oelma.org.

And of course there's YALSA (http://www.ala.org/yalsa) and their blog

      Your most humble and obedient servant,

                                  Don Yarman
                                  yarmando at oplin.org | AIM: yarmando

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