[OPLINLIST] Launch of the new ALAO-SSIG Email List...

Doug Morrison morrison.244 at osu.edu
Mon Feb 13 16:22:00 EST 2006

(Please excuse duplicate postings of this message as it is sent to multiple 

Good Afternoon,

The Academic Library Association of Ohio - Support Staff Interest Group 
would like to
take this opportunity to announce the launch of our new email discussion 
list for library
support staff.  Open to all library support staff we hope to foster 
participation by support
staff at all levels in discussion and issues of importance to our work; 
encourage positive
working relations amongst support staff at all institutions; promote 
cohesiveness among
support staff on a wide level; and promote a lively and informative 
exchange of ideas and
information among support staff colleagues throughout the library science 

We hope academic library support staff and our colleagues would like to 
join us on the
new ALAO-SSIG email discussion list.  For those interested in joining the 
email list please
send an email message listing your desire to join the list to one of the 
list owners:

The managers/owners for this list are:
    John Burke (burkejj at muohio.edu)
    Doug Morrison (morrison.244 at osu.edu)

upon being added to the list you will receive a welcome message and be 
enabled to
send messages to the list.......

Once added to the list, you will be able to send email messages to anyone 
by sending them to:

alao-ssig at listserv.muohio.edu

The SSIG would also like to thank ALAO and the Miami University-Middletown 
for sponsoring and hosting
the list on behalf of the interest group and support staff members of ALAO 
throughout the state.
A special thanks goes to John Burke for his help in making this list a reality!

Douglas Morrison
ALAO-SSIG List Co-owner

Douglas Morrison
Reference/Serials Librarian
Ohio State ATI Library
1328 Dover Road
Wooster, OH. 44691-8905
phone - 330-287-1291
fax - 330-262-7634
email - morrison.244 at osu.edu
O.L.S.S.I. Website: http://www.olssi.org

A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer.

Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.

Many people quit looking for work when they find a job. 
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