[OPLINLIST] NPR's Talk of the Nation disusses the future of US libraries

James Guilford James.Guilford at westlakelibrary.org
Mon Feb 27 16:19:47 EST 2006

*The future of libraries discussed on NPR's "Talk of the Nation"*

"If a Library is Bookless, What's in It?" The program discussed what 
helps make the evolution of libraries so complicated. Two related 
questions are also considered: What is the library's role -- and who 
should pay for it? The squeeze on county and municipal budgets prompts 
many to wonder if they will continue to pay for these institutions. 
Others insist that the public library plays a vital role as a community 
center and as an intellectual oasis, a place to reflect as well as a 
place to learn. But if it's to survive, it has to adapt. Visit the 
National Public Radio "Talk of the Nation" Web page to learn more and 
possibly listen to an audio feed. You can also order a printed 
transcript. Program broadcast date: Feb. 27, 2006; audio available after 
6 PM Eastern Standard Time./


James Guilford, I.T. Manager
Westlake Porter Public Library

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