[OPLINLIST] What's New on NetWellness

Kishman, Charles (kishmacp) KISHMACP at UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Mon Jan 23 15:44:49 EST 2006

What's New on NetWellness - January, 2006

January's Feature:  The New Year... Plan Now for Healthier Days Ahead!

Forget about those New Year's resolutions.  It's time to make some "New
Life" resolutions!  A few simple changes in your lifestyle this year
could lead to healthier days during 2006 and beyond for you and your
family.  Our monthly feature will help you find the information you need
and provide you with the necessary tools to outline a plan for a
healthier year and a healthier life!

New Article on Your Family Heart Health History

Just in time for this month's feature, our new article Dinner Table Has
More than Just Food to Offer for Heart Health by Amy Curry Sturm, MS,
CGC, Certified Genetic Counselor, Division of Human Genetics, Department
of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine at The Ohio State University
brings you information about the importance of gathering your family's
heart health history.  Be sure to watch the associated video.

New Article on Peanut Allergies in Children

If it seems you've been hearing more about peanut allergies in children
recently,  our new article, More Children with Peanut Allergies, by
Jaime Ackerman Foster, MPH, RD, LD, Extension Nutrition Associate,
Department of Human Nutrition, College of Human Ecology, OSU Extension,
The Ohio State University, may help to explain why.  For more
information on peanut allergies, you may wish to refer to our
previously-written articles "Peanut Allergy in the School Environment:
Myths and Facts" Part 1 and Part 2.

Healthy Recipes for Diabetics

Looking for some new ideas for the crock pot? Or some sauces and dips?
How about  Wassabi orange dressing or Picante chicken?  Ann Hornsby,
MEd, RD, LD, PC , the Dietitian of the Lipid Research Center and Laurie
S. Sadler, MD, Medical Director of the Cardiovascular Risk Reduction and
Lipid Research Center at St. Vincent Charity Hospital, and the School of
Medicine at Case Western Reserve University have put together a series
of recipes for the diabetic diet.  The series includes Desserts and
Quick Breads; Dips, Salsa, Salads and Dressings, and Crock Pot Cooking.
Find them all in the Staying Healthy section of the Diabetes Topic.

Looking for "Ask an Expert"?

In response to requests from our NetWellness has added a new help
feature on the homepage. Click on "Ask an Expert" in the top menu and
get full instructions on how to use the Ask an Expert feature. And don't
forget, we are always trying to improve to meet your needs. What do we
do well? What can we do to better fit your needs? Send your comments
through our Feedback and our team will give them prompt consideration. 

It's our Tenth anniversary - Let Us Know How We're Doing

As we near our tenth year on the internet, we are gathering anecdotes
about how NetWellness is helping our users meet their health information
needs. Do you have any stories or experiences you would like to share?
If so, please use our Feedback feature to tell us about them. 

About NetWellness

NetWellness is a non-profit consumer health Web site that provides high
quality information created and evaluated by health professions faculty
at the University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and
The Ohio State University. Started in June 1995, NetWellness was one of
the first health information sites on the Internet. 

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