[OPLINLIST] Biscuit program

Barb Scott barbarascott1956 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 12 12:24:17 EDT 2006

Hello everyone!
  Has anyone out there done a Biscuit program?  I am planning fall programming and Biscuit will kick us off in September!
  We have the costume ordered from Costume Specialists in Columbus, but I am having a devil of a time finding activity sheets/crafts, etc.
  I may just have to check out the titles of the books and design the crafts around them.
  If anyone has done a program and has any activity/craft ideas, please email me at
  barbarascott1956 at yahoo.com or barbarascott at hotmail.com
  Thanks in advance!
  Barb Scott, Children's Librarian
  Bucyrus Public Library

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