Doug Morrison morrison.244 at osu.edu
Fri Jun 30 16:22:17 EDT 2006

 From the OLSSI Vice-Chair of Programming for 2006 - Ms. Susan Burt....

"...As Chair of the Scholarship sub-committee, I am pleased to announce the 
winners of the four scholarships to 2006 OLSSI - Wilmington. We had a 
fairly large and very interesting pool of applicants representing a variety 
of public, elementary/middle schools, music libraries, public libraries, 
small colleges, and large universities. The four who stood out from the 
rest are (in no particular order):

Beth Stanze of Wright State University
Rachel Mathie, Loudonville Public Library
Jennifer Thompson, Wilmington Public Library
Jacob Koehler, The College of Wooster Libraries

When you see these winners, please congratulate and welcome them - they are 
the future members of our group!"

Congratulations to these winners of the 2006 OLSSI Scholarships!!!!

Douglas Morrison
Reference/Serials Librarian
Ohio State ATI Library
1328 Dover Road
Wooster, OH. 44691-8905
phone - 330-287-1291
fax - 330-262-7634
email - morrison.244 at osu.edu
O.L.S.S.I. Website: http://www.olssi.org
ALAO Vice President/President-Elect 2006-2007 
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