[OPLINLIST] OPLIN 4cast #4 - May 2, 2006

OPLIN Managing Editor editor at oplin.org
Tue May 2 09:55:24 EDT 2006

OPLIN 4cast #4 - May 2, 2006
OPLINlist & OPLINtech subscribers: If you have your e-mail set to view messages as plain text (instead of html), you may not be seeing the hyperlinks that accompany each article. You can see these links if you visit the OPLIN 4cast website at http://www.oplin.org/4cast/index.php.
The OPLIN 4cast is a weekly compilation of recent headlines, topics, and trends that could impact public libraries. For the first few weeks, the 4cast will be posted to OPLINlist and OPLINtech. Beyond that, you will be able to subscribe to it one of two ways:
RSS feed. You can receive the OPLIN 4cast via RSS feed by subscribing to the following URL: http://www.oplin.org/4cast/index.php/?feed=rss2. 
E-mail. You can have the OPLIN 4cast delivered via e-mail (a'la OPLINlist and OPLINtech) by subscribing to the 4cast mailing list at http://mail.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/OPLIN4cast. 

This week’s 4cast:
1. Free (maybe) Help for Your Library's Website
Glenn Peterson (from the Hennepin County Library) recently started EngagedPatrons.org, a website dedicated to helping libraries improve their web services. If your library would like to improve its web presence but doesn't have the programming expertise on staff, EP might be the solution for you. Best of all - it might not cost you a single cent.
EngagedPatrons.org (Home) 
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 

2. Wireless, Not Lawless
Lawmakers in upstate New York have become involved in how commercial businesses secure their private customer data. Public Wi-Fi locations (like coffee shops and hotels) are also affected.
Westchester, N.Y., Passes Law Requiring Businesses to Secure Wireless Networks (Government Technology) 
Lawmakers Crack Down on Wi-Fi Crime (Wi-Fi Planet) 

3. Stick of Dynamite? 
Portable USB devices, such as memory sticks and MP3 players, are convenient and increasingly popular. But they're also easy to misplace, and can be used to spread viruses, install unwanted software, and steal data.
Warnings over USB memory sticks (BBC) 
New directions for removable USB mass storage (IT Wales) 
Disable USB Drives (IntelliAdmin: Tools & Utilities for Windows) 

4. Web 2.0 + Library 2.0 = Service 4.0?
Does all of the "2.0 talk" have your head spinning? Check out the following links to find out what 2.0 is all about, and how it might apply to your library.
Library 2.0 in Three Easy Steps (by Steve Wilson via a Squidoo lens) 
Web 2.0: A Pattern Library (an extensive background article by Tim Ziegler, via Webmonkey) 
4b. Squidoo? Webmonkey? Wha?
Squidoo is a site that allows users to build a "lens" on any particular topic, collecting material from across the web on one page (FAQ). 
Webmonkey is a great how-to resource for web developers of all experience levels, courtesy of Lycos (Site Tour). 

Joel Husenits
Managing Editor
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 130
Columbus, Ohio 43204
Phone: (614) 728-5252
Fax: (614) 728-5256
E-mail: editor at oplin.org
Web: www.oplin.org
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