[OPLINLIST] Stumper: Book character with obvious character traits...

Barb Scott barbarascott1956 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 14 15:32:59 EST 2006

I have a teacher looking for an Easy Fiction book (something that won't take a great deal of time to read) with a character that shows distinct and multiple character traits.  
  She walked away with Olivia by Ian Falconer, and we entertained the idea of Chysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.  But there must be others out there that I am not thinking of.
  I have checked in A-Zoo, but it breaks character traits down to the n-th degree.  I need a character that's not so specific.  I even looked at The Adventures of Isabel by Ogden Nash--but she's too narrow.
  I've got a couple of days to get back to her with some characters.  
  Got a good candidate in mind?  Respond directly to me at barbarascott1956 at yahoo.com.
  Barb Scott, Children's Librarian
  Bucyrus Public Library

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