[OPLINLIST] Kent State Library Workshops---October

Rhonda Filipan rfilipan at slis.kent.edu
Tue Oct 3 14:31:12 EDT 2006

Consider taking some of these popular Continuing Education workshops in 

** Public Library Web Resources (Oct. 13 - 14)
** Reference Sources for Children Update (Oct. 27 - 28)
** Metadata for Digital Collections (Oct. 28 - 29)

All workshops are sponsored by the Kent State University School of 
Library and Information Science in conjunction with the KSU College of 
Continuing Education.  Note that workshops are offered in Columbus, 
Public Library Web Resources
October 13 - 14
Friday - Saturday
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location:   Columbus, OSU west campus, 130 Mount Hall
Instructor:  Dr. Ray Irwin
Call # 21495

This workshop familiarizes participants with the selection, collection, 
organization, and maintenance of Web resource collections in the public 
library environment. Students examine collection development policies, 
emphasizing and differences among those for print and Web materials. 
Students also consider issues of resource transience, granularity, 
description and producers of Web resources, as well as standards for 
their evaluation and techniques for managing and maintaining such 

Reference Sources for Children Update
October 27 -28
Friday -Saturday
9:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Kent:  Reinberger Children's Library Center
Instructor:  Dr. Meghan Harper
Call # 22765

The purpose of this workshop is to provide an informative overview of 
new print and non-print reference resources. Suggestions for using these 
resources as bibliographic instruction tools will also be included.  
Participants will evaluate reference sources in terms of their 
authority, scope, treatment, arrangement, format and special features.  
They will identify reference guides to print and non-print materials of 
particular relevance to instructional media centers and public 
libraries.  They will also identify, select and evaluate information 
books, videos, and CD-ROMs as appropriate information sources for young 

Metadata for Digital Collections
October 28 - 29
Saturday - Sunday
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location:  Lorain County Community College, UC 221
Instructor:  Dr. Marcia Zeng
Call # 22766


Metadata for Digital Collections is the perfect workshop for anyone who 
wants to learn to establish digital collections in distinct information 
communities for the purposes of managing, publishing, and preserving 
documents in the digital environment. Emphasis will be on the 
development and implementation of metadata schemas and on the standards 
and technological applications used to create machine understandable 
metadata. Among other skills, workshop participants will gain experience 
in applying a selected metadata standard to records or collections and 
will learn to design, evaluate, and modify metadata elements according 
to local need. Finally, participants will be able to contribute to the 
implementation of metadata in a Web site or database.


All workshops cost $408.  Call 1-800-672-KSU2 to enroll.
KSU Students use Web for Students:  wfs.kent.edu

Rhonda S. Filipan, M.A., M.L.S.
Academic Program Coordinator
Kent State University
School of Library and Information Science
P.O. Box 5190
Library 314
Kent, OH  44242-0001
330-672-0013  (phone)
330-672-7965  (fax)

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