[OPLINLIST] What's New on NetWellness Oct. 2006

Moll, Stephanie (mollsl) mollsl at ucmail.uc.edu
Wed Oct 4 16:07:08 EDT 2006

What's New on NetWellness - October 2006

October's Monthly Feature - You and Your Lungs

October is Healthy Lung Month! In support of Healthy Lung Month,
NetWellness invites you to browse through our lung-related health topics
where you can learn more about lung diseases and ask questions of our
faculty experts. Please visit our feature for more information.

October's Departmental Feature - Division of Hematology and Oncology at
The Ohio State University

As part of the OSU Department of Internal Medicine, physicians in the
Division of Hematology and Oncology work closely with the OSU Arthur G.
James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute, and OSU
Comprehensive Cancer Center to strive for excellence in cancer patient
care, education and research. Faculty members within the division focus
on translational research with the mission of bringing novel cancer
therapies from the laboratory to the bedside. This unique approach to
patient care provides the optimal setting for multi-disciplinary patient
treatment and collaboration between specialists, and offers patients the
latest treatments and therapies for their disease. 

Our comprehensive program covers a wide range of patient conditions
*	Aids - related	
*	Blood diseases (non-cancer)
*	Bone marrow transplant
*	Breast cancer
*	Endocrine
*	Gastrointestinal cancer
*	General oncology
*	Genitourinary cancer
*	Head/neck 
*	Leukemia
*	Lymphoma
*	Melanoma
*	Myeloma
*	Myelodysplastic syndromes (mds)
*	Sarcoma
*	Thoracic cancer

NetWellness experts from the Division of Hematology and Oncology include
Tanios Bekaii-Saab, MD, James P. Thomas, MD, PhD, Thomas Olencki, DO,
Spero R. Cataland, MD, Eric H. Kraut, MD, Michael J. Stanek, DO.

New Center - Dental and Oral Health!

This month, NetWellness is featuring a new look on our site. The Dental
and Oral Health Center provides visitors with dental information in a
more organized manner and gives users access to helpful tools, such as
the Ask an Expert column and a NetWellness poll. Make sure you let us
know what you think by visiting our feedback page! 

New Articles - Diabetes

Recent studies have suggested that there is a direct link between
diabetes and heart disease.  Laurie Sadler, MD of Case Western Reserve
University has written an article about how reducing glucose levels can
lower risk of heart disease in this NetWellness original: Diabetes and
Heart Disease.  

Complications of diabetes can range from sudden, urgent issues to those
that develop slowly over the years, resulting in serious health issues
including blindness, kidney failure, amputation, and coma.  For more
information about how to avoid these problems, read this NetWellness
original: Complications of Diabetes by Dr. Robert M. Cohen of the
University of Cincinnati and Dr. Laurie Sadler of Case Western Reserve
University.  Drs. Cohen and Sadler are also available to answer your
questions in the Diabetes health topic area.

New Article - Gynecology

Over five million women in the United States have endometriosis making
it one of the most common gynecological problems.  Read on for more
information about the symptoms and treatments available in this
NetWellness original: Endometriosis by Thomas A. deHoop, MD of the
University of Cincinnati.  Dr. deHoop is also available to answer your
questions in the Gynecology health topic.

New Articles - Breast Cancer

Breast self-exams are effective in detecting approximately 90 percent of
all breast masses. Even though not all of these masses are cancerous, it
is important that women become familiar with the feel of their breasts,
so the changes that can indicate breast cancer are more noticeable. Dr.
Zeina Nahleh, the director of the Breast Oncology program at the
University of Cincinnati has written an article discussing how to
perform this essential examination. 

Most women these days are very concerned about breast pain because of
the link between this symptom and breast cancer. Read on for more
information about the causes and treatments for breast pain in this
NetWellness original: Breast Pain by Jennifer Manders, MD of the
University of Cincinnati.  

Please visit the Breast Cancer health topic for more information on
these and other important topics.

New Article - Women's Health

Worries about vaginal discharge are among the top concerns of women of
all ages.  Read on for more information about the common symptoms and
causes of abnormal vaginal discharge in this NetWellness original:
Vaginal Discharge by Riza T Conroy, MD of The Ohio State University.
Dr. Conroy is also available to answer your questions in the Women's
Health topic area.

New Article - Lung and Respiratory Diseases

Need tips on how to quit smoking? Dr. John Howington, the director of
the Division of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Cincinnati,
suggests five steps you can immediately put into action, such as "Carry
a bottle of water and chewing gum at all times," and "Get support from
family and friends." To ask Dr. Howington and his colleagues questions
about respiratory diseases, please visit the Lung and Respiratory
Diseases health topic.

New Article - Digestive Disorders

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most commonly diagnosed
gastrointestinal condition and women are twice as likely to be diagnosed
with IBS than men.  Read on for more information in this NetWellness
original: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Women by Julia Gore
Thornton, MD of Case Western Reserve University.  Dr. Thornton is
available to answer your questions in Digestive Disorders and Colon
Cancer topics. 

New Articles - Obesity and Weight Management

Fall is prime time for tailgating, and Dr. Shirley A. Kindrick, Team
Leader for the Comprehensive Weight Management Program at The Ohio State
University, understands the need to balance a healthy lifestyle and
having fun. Check out her healthy tips for tailgating, so you can
incorporate some of these ideas into your next party. 

Another article in the Obesity and Weight Management health forum
discusses ways to prevent childhood obesity. Dr. Robert D. Murray, Chief
of the Center for Healthy Weight and Nutrition at Columbus Children's
Hospital, provides a list of ideas for parents to use, in order to help
their children lead long, healthy lives. 

For more information, please stop by the Obesity and Weight Management
health topic.

New Article - Addiction and Substance Abuse

Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications are being abused by
America's teens at a very high rate. This NetWellness article helps
parents to understand what they need to do to prevent this from
happening in their own households. Peter D. Rodgers, MD, Clinical
Associate Professor from the Department of Adolescent Health at Columbus
Children's Hospital, encourages parents to educate themselves about this
important topic right away. If you have any questions about this or
other substance abuse topics, please visit the Addiction and Substance
Abuse health topic.    

New Article - Asthma

In his article, "Asthma Not Just a Childhood Disease," Dr. James
Knepler, Assistant Professor from University of Cincinnati's College of
Medicine, states that over 15 million adults have the disease. If you
think you have asthma, it is important to see you doctor right away. For
more information about asthma-related topics, go to the Asthma health

New Article - Sleep Disorders

On October 29, many across the United States will be changing their
clocks back one hour. Even though it seems like you are gaining an hour
of sleep, Dr. Victoria Surdulescu, Assistant Professor from the
Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Cincinnati's
College of Medicine, says that this time change can affect your sleep
more than you would think. Follow her helpful advice to become adjusted
to the time change right away. If you need more information about this
and other Sleep Disorders, visit the topic and ask a question. 

New Article - Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders

Ragweed season is here, and this allergy causes people to miss over 3.8
million days of work each year. In the article, "Is It Sniffles or
Something More?" Dr. Allen Seiden from the University of Cincinnati's
Department of Otolaryngology suggests ways to stop suffering from those
ragweed allergies. Dr. Seiden and his colleagues are available to answer
questions in the Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders topic.

New Article - Infertility

Approximately ten percent of men who elect to have vasectomies
eventually want a reversal, which is also known as a vasovasostomy.
According to Dr. Ahmad Hamidinia, Clinical Professor of Surgery in the
Division of Urology at the University of Cincinnati's College of
Medicine, this surgery can save couples trying to conceive both time and
money if it is a viable option. For more information about Infertility,
please visit the health topic.

NetWellness Welcomes New Experts!

NetWellness welcomes David Miller, PhD, Assistant Professor of Sociology
at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve
University.  Dr. Miller is currently investigating the awareness and
knowledge of African American males regarding prostate cancer.  Dr.
Miller is available to answer your questions in the Prostate Cancer
health topic.

We would also like to welcome Jeffrey J. Sussman, MD, Assistant
Professor of Surgery in the Division of Surgical Oncology at the
University of Cincinnati's College of Medicine. Dr. Sussman's interests
are in the surgical treatment of melanoma, sarcoma, endocrine tumors,
thyroid and parathyroid cancers. He is available to answer your
questions in the Thyroid Diseases health topic.

Another expert that has joined the team is Eric H. Kraut, MD, the
director of the Benign Hematology Program from the College of Medicine
at The Ohio State University. He has a clinical expertise in treating
benign blood diseases, such as sickle cell anemia. Dr. Kraut is happy to
answer any questions you may have in the Sickle Cell Anemia health

Joining the Kidney Diseases and Urinary Tract Cancers health topics is
Thomas Olencki, DO, a medical oncologist for the Division of Hematology
and Oncology at The Ohio State University's College of Medicine. Stop by
either of these topics to ask Dr. Olencki and his colleagues a question.

Finally, NetWellness would like to welcome three new experts from The
Ohio State University to the Athletic Training health forum. Katrina B.
Stibel, MA, ATC is an assistant athletic trainer for the swimming,
diving, and synchronized swimming teams at Ohio State. Alex K. Wong, MS,
ATC and Mary C. Eaton, ATC are also assistant athletic trainers for the
Athletic Department at OSU. 

Let Us Know How We Are Doing

NetWellness has been operating for over ten years now, and one of the
main reasons is because of our visitors! If you have any comments or
suggestions for our site, please use our Feedback feature to tell us
about them. 

About NetWellness

NetWellness is a non-profit consumer health Web site that provides high
quality information created and evaluated by health professions faculty
at the University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and
The Ohio State University. Started in June 1995, NetWellness was one of
the first health information sites on the Internet. Today, our health
professionals have volunteered their time and expertise to answer more
than 32,000 questions on over 100 topics. 

Please visit http://www.netwellness.org/aboutnw/whatisnew.cfm to view
the newsletter in HTML format. 

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