[OPLINLIST] Children's Lit. workshops with Dr. Carolyn Brodie---Kent State SLIS

Rhonda Filipan rfilipan at slis.kent.edu
Wed Oct 18 13:38:24 EDT 2006

A few seats are left in Dr. Carolyn Brodie's two fall workshops, so 
please register soon if you want to take them. Both topics are very popular!
General information about each workshop is below, followed by 
descriptions and registration information. Each workshop is worth 1 
graduate credit.

Children’s Poetry Pizazz
Friday & Saturday
November 17 - 18
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Kent State, Reinberger Children's Library Center
Dr. Carolyn Brodie
Call # 21487

Children’s Literature Update: 2005 - 2006
Friday & Saturday
December 1 - 2
9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Kent State, Reinberger Children's Library Center
Dr. Carolyn Brodie
Call # 21484

*Children's Poetry Pizazz*
During this workshop, you will learn the importance of sharing poetry 
with children and discover techniques for effectively promoting poetry. 
You will exchange ideas for creating thematic units with poetry, for 
writing poetry, for choral readings using sound effects, and for 
combining drama with poetry. You will also explore how to liven up your 
library with poetry bulletin boards, displays, and contests. The latest 
and greatest poetry books for children will be examined.

*Children's Literature Update: 2005-2006*
Sharing, evaluating, and compiling a bibliography of recent publications 
in the field of children's literature is just one aspect of this 
workshop. Participants will also learn about recent releases in 
children's literature and receive suggestions for their use. In 
addition, this workshop will introduce the annual recommended reading 
and award lists and give participants experience in utilizing selection 
tools for evaluating children's materials. Finally, students will learn 
how to acquire promotional materials to provide programming ideas for 
newer titles.

Cost: $408 per workshop

To Register:

KSU Students: Use Web for Students (wfs.kent.edu) and enter the call 
number (listed above)
Non-KSU Students: Call 1-800-672-KSU2

Rhonda S. Filipan, M.A., M.L.S.
Academic Program Coordinator
Kent State University
School of Library and Information Science
P.O. Box 5190
Library 314
Kent, OH  44242-0001
330-672-0013  (phone)
330-672-7965  (fax)

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