[OPLINLIST] question playaway

Angela Johnson ajohnson at pickawaylib.org
Fri Sep 22 10:51:26 EDT 2006

Good Morning:
    We are considering adding Playaway audio books to our collection. In my 
initial plans I was not going to have us circulate the earbuds or to 
purchase the earbud covers. I was also planning not to provide a battery, 
patrons would have to supply their own. I think I have seen on the OPLIN 
list or the Selection-L list that libraries were not providing the earbuds 
but were providing batteries.
    However, I was planning to have both earbuds and batteries available for 
patrons to purchase in the library.  I have now been told that "selling" 
these items would require us to collect or "include" sales tax in the 
prices. I would like to hear from other Ohio libraries about how you are 
handling this new format. Are you just supplying the earbuds and batteries 
and absorbing the cost? Are you not supplying the earbuds or batteries and 
your patrons just don't have the convenience of picking them up at the 
library? If you are "selling" earbuds or batteries to your patrons are you 
collecting sales tax? It could be that maybe you are not doing Playaway's 
but you offer patrons the convenience of being able to get a floppy disc or 
CD at the library for a small charge. Are you collecting sales tax on these 
items? Thanks for your help.

Angela Johnson

Angela Johnson
Collection Development Coordinator
Pickaway County District Public Library
1160 N. Court St.
Circleville, Oh 43113
740-477-1644 ext. 229
740-477-1423 fax
ajohnson at pickawaylib.org

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