[OPLINLIST] Credit Card policy

Cinda Bretz Wallace bretzci at oplin.org
Tue Sep 26 17:29:08 EDT 2006

Thanks for your input Mark.
I also need to hear from libraries with branches that are allowed to place 
their own orders.  Do you get a separate "low limit" card or must they order 
everything through the main library if a credit card is required.
- Cinda Bretz Wallace
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Mabelitini" <mabelima at oplin.org>
To: <bretzci at oplin.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 2:58 PM
Subject: Credit Card policy

> Hi Cinda,
> I had to learn quickly.  I became Director here on July 31 (yea, 2 months
> ago) and the Auditor arrived 2 weeks later and said we needed such a
> policy!  No pressure! Actually, my board passed what I drafted without
> hesitation.
> Here is what we passed last month:
> As a major public institution, the Tipp City Public Library is held to a
> high level of accountability for its business practices. Every reasonable
> effort must be made by all employees to ensure that funds are used in a
> manner that is consistent with the library's mission, applicable law, and
> ethical practices.
> 1. Credit cards and Purchase cards are used for staff travel, Internet
> purchases, and other retail expenses.
> 2. Credit cards and Purchase cards must be stored in a secure location
> with controlled access.  The cards will be kept locked in the Director's
> office.
> 3. Purchases must be pre-approved by the Director or his/her designee.
> 4. A log must be maintained indicating the name of the individual to whom
> the card has been given, the date & time the card was given to that
> individual, item(s) to be purchased, the name of the store/vendor, and the
> date and time the card was returned.
> 5. Original itemized receipts, a signed copy of the credit card slip, and
> when applicable, other supporting documents must be filed with statements.
> In the case of Internet purchases, a screen print of the transaction can
> provide documentation of the purchase.
> 6. The cardholder must return the card to the Director or his/her designee
> within one business day of purchase or two business days after r
> Also, see Ohio Revised Code § 3375.392. Use of credit cards.
> Hope it helps.
> Mark
> Mark Mabelitini, Director
> Tipp City Public Library
> 11 E. Main St.
> Tipp City, Ohio 45371
> (937) 667-3826 (office)
> (937) 667-7968 (fax)
> www.tippcitylibrary.org

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