[OPLINLIST] Call for Nominations - State Library Board

Ashlee Clark Aclark at sloma.state.oh.us
Thu Apr 26 12:45:33 EDT 2007

The State Library of Ohio is seeking nominations for appointment to the
State Library Board.  Board Member Jacquelyn K, O'Brien recently
resigned from the Board leaving a vacancy. The appointed candidate will
complete Ms. O'Brien's term which expires on December 31, 2009.

To ensure adequate geographic representation the State Library Board is
particularly interested in candidates from the Southeast area of the
state. The nominated candidate should have experience in at least one of
the following areas:
*As a board member or an employee of a public organization or
*As a board member or employee of a public, school, academic or
specialized library.
*In the development of equal access to information for all Ohio
*Changing technologies and their impact on libraries.

The State Library Board consists of five members appointed by the State
Board of Education.  The Board ordinarily meets for a two-day retreat in
February and then monthly March through July and again in September,
October and December.  For information on the specific powers and duties
of the State Library Board, please see Chapter 3375.01 of the Ohio
Revised Code.
Current or past board members or employees of public, school, academic
or special libraries will be given first consideration for nomination.
However, it should be noted that a person cannot serve on a public
library board and on the State Library Board concurrently.

The State Library Board has identified the following top strategic goals
for FY 2007:

Target 1:  The State Library will provide high quality library and
information services and products to all organizational units of state

Target 2:  The State Library will serve as a resource to the library
community by providing training, consultation and statewide projects
which will enhance library service to Ohio residents.

Target 3:  The State Library will be a statewide resource in partnership
with local libraries to provide library service to Ohio residents.  Our
emphasis will be on "virtual" information to meet the anytime, anywhere
needs of Ohio residents. 

Target 4:  The State Library will provide support to its internal
customers in the areas of fiscal administration, employee relations,
information technology, marketing, building services and delivery. 

Send nominations, plus supporting information, by May 15, 2007 to:
	Bill Morris, Executive Assistant to the State Librarian
	State Library of Ohio
	274 East First Avenue
	Columbus, OH 43201
	Email: wmorris at sloma.state.oh.us

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