[OPLINLIST] Book drop information

Lindy Sleasman sleasmli at oplin.org
Thu Jan 4 09:20:24 EST 2007

Mary Jane, 
We just went through the book drop problem last year when someone plowed
ours down in the parking lot.  Frankly there is not a perfect product on the
market and I researched it carefully.  We decided on two Stainless Steel
drops from Kingsley.  We ordered them through Brodart, but contacted the
Pomona California manufacturer for the problems we had. We empty them 5
times a day. First, they didn't have security flaps to keep people from
reaching in and grabbing items.  They sent them and we had to have a
locksmith install the.  They are sloped so water runoff goes down the back
and into the door.  This could be fixed by installing a tiny gutter across
the top of the door.  The inside carts cost about $1,000 ea. We have three,
but the springs pop off frequently when they are full, and it is very
difficult to get them back on unless you have extremely small hands.  We
also had lots of problems with the three point locking system as its cold
here in the winter and the locks freeze frequently.  (This doesn't happen in
southern California) Nothing makes you want to move south like emptying the
drops in a blizzard in your dress clothes and having to heat the key to make
it open the lock.  The rods in the three point mechanism are not trained to
the holes properly so we had to hire a locksmith twice to file the rods and
line them up correctly to shoot through the upper and lower hole.  This part
now works properly, but the locks are always a problem.  (We also tried
padlocks and they freeze too)  My advice?  Install building drops any way
you can.  Sigh.  Sorry to be so negative, but there just isn't a good
solution.  The stainless steel does look nice....Lindy

Lindy Sleasman, Circ. Mgr.
Amherst Public Library
sleasli1 at oplin.lib.oh.us 
PH: 440-988-4230, Fax 440-985-1370

-----Original Message-----
From: oplinlist-bounces at oplin.org [mailto:oplinlist-bounces at oplin.org] On
Behalf Of Don Yarman
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 9:01 AM
To: oplinlist at oplin.org
Subject: [OPLINLIST] Book drop information

[Posted for Mary Jane Santos, who is having trouble getting messages to
the list.]

Hello all,

I am searching for consumer information on book returns (not the
through-the-wall ones).  I am specifically looking for comparative
information on the durability and satisfaction with book returns
manufactured by American Book Returns and Kingsley Curbside Collections;
however, any information on book returns that have or have not worked well
for your library would be appreciated.

Please respond directly to mjsantos at delawarelibrary.org.


Mary Jane Santos, Director
OPLINLIST mailing list
OPLINLIST at oplin.org

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