[OPLINLIST] Reminder of ONE Ohio Meeting on 2/2/07 in Columbus

Mary Stansbury mstansbu at kent.edu
Sat Jan 27 10:31:52 EST 2007

This reminder is going to all of you who've called or emailed to let us 
know you'll be with us at the ONE Ohio statewide gathering in Columbus 
next Friday, February 2  (thank you!).  It's also for a lot of folks we 
haven't heard from yet, in the hope that you'll consider joining us.for 
this important briefing and discussion on Ohio's broadband and digital 
divide strategy.

/What:/*/ / Statewide briefing and consultation on Governor Strickland's 
"Broadband Ohio" program
*/When:  /*Friday, February 2 from 10 am to 2 pm
*/Where:  /*State Library of Ohio, 274 East First Avenue, Columbus *
(see map at http://winslo.state.oh.us/slodirections.html)
/Sponsored by:  /*The Ohio Digital Divide Working Group* (includes the 
Ohio Community Computing Network, Ohio State Legal Services Association, 
the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Assistive Technology of Ohio, Cleveland 
Digital Vision, the Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development, Dayton 
ABLE, the Coshocton County Resource Network, the Appalachian Center for 
Collaborative and Engaged Learning, Grassroots.org, Blue Rock Station)

For a fuller description of this event see the new  *ONE Ohio Blog*  at 
http://oneohio.blogspot.com/2007/01/statewide-meeting-on-strickland.html .

You /should/ be at the ONE Ohio gathering if you're concerned about 
*affordable broadband access* or *closing the digital divide* in your 
community.  We're looking for representatives of community technology 
centers, community action agencies, rural development organizations, 
universities and community colleges, libraries, schools, legal services 
agencies, local Internet service providers and community networks, 
economic development agencies, elected officials -- not to mention 
interested citizens! 

The parking is free, and so is lunch.  If you haven't already done so, 
please RSVP /now/ to me <bill at clevelanddigitalvision.org> or to Sunny 
Chen <schen at ohioccn.org>.

Feel free to call me if you need more information.  See you on the 2nd!

Bill Callahan, Director, Cleveland Digital Vision
(President, Ohio Community Computing Network)
216-391-0900 ext 40
216-870-4736 cell

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