[OPLINLIST] Core collection/contemporary authors-contemporary, literary criticism...

Wendy Greenwood wgreen at ghpl.org
Thu Sep 13 18:55:55 EDT 2007

Hello Kristen!

"American National Biography" and "Biographies Plus Illustrated" will give you biographical information on an author, but it will *not* give you literary criticism on their works.  At the moment, there is no literary criticism electronic database or substitute for one on OPLIN.

First, call your Gale rep. and ask if your library's monthly statistics can be sent to you via e-mail or ask how to access your statistics online so you can see how often the database is used in-house and remotely by your patrons.  Gale's stats will be the most accurate method of determining usage.  

I don't know how your computer network is configured, but are you authenticated via IP address or proxy?  Are the products in-house use only? If you do have remote access, the product may get more remote use than in-house use.  I'm sure your rep. can give you more information on how many licenses were purchased, IP addresses used, etc. if that is how the product was contracted.

Also, promoting your database to the students and teachers in the schools is a good method of getting the word out about your electronic resources--especially those you know are standard sources used in middle and high school assignments (e.g., English assignments requiring literary criticism).  Is your library the only source of literary criticism to the students?  If your local school library is like most, they probably can't afford such luxuries.  Talking to the school librarians can give you an idea of what they have in their collection and the types and frequency of literary criticism assignments in the public (academic?) school system(s) in the area you serve.

EbscoHost has a product called "Literary Reference Center."  You may want to compare content and pricing between the two databases.

Good luck to you,

Wendy S. Greenwood
Reference Department Manager
Grandview Heights Public Library
1685 W. First Ave.
Columbus, OH  43212-3399
614.481.3776 voice
614.481.7020 FAX
wgreen at ghpl.org

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