[OPLINLIST] UPDATE: Open Source Software Integrated Library System discussions/options
Jo Budler
JBUDLER at sloma.state.oh.us
Thu Apr 3 13:04:07 EDT 2008
As you probably know, folks here at the State Library, library
partnership organizations (including the Regional Library Systems,
OHIONET, LibLime, OLC) and librarians across the state have had several
sessions and discussions on the opportunities and challenges of
utilizing an Open Source Software Integrated Library System (OSS ILS).
In fact I believe that it was nearly exactly a year ago (April 07) that
we held the first State Library-initiated "statewide" meeting to discuss
Since then I have had the opportunity to talk with many directors who
are anxious about the state of vendor-driven ILS, particularly with
regard to Horizon 8.0.
Several months ago, we had a meeting to discuss roles and
responsibilities surrounding the possibility of offering an OSS ILS in
the state of Ohio. Representatives from all Regional Library Systems,
Dianna Clark (SEO), Stephen Hedges, Joshua Ferraro (LibLime), Doug
Evans, David Namiotka (Director of IT, State Library) and I were in
attendance. Although OHIONET was not able to send a representative,
Michael Butler was aware of the meeting and was updated at a later time.
We have continued to have conversations on this topic and several
questions have been raised:
Who can and/or should house a solution?
What solutions are being offered across the state?
Who is interested in a consortial OSS ILS solution?
What is the correct business model?
Koha OSS ILS is being implemented across the state. We are very
fortunate to have LibLime here in Ohio. But as yet there has not been
an implementation of PINES Evergreen software which is what the State
Library of Georgia has implemented for most of the public libraries in
that state. Several library directors have asked if there is a role for
the State Library of Ohio regarding offering PINES Evergreen software
for building a consortium.
You all probably know that I am very supportive of anything that will
assist librarians in providing excellent library service to the
residents of our state. But this specific topic is multi-faceted and
gives me some concern. Whatever happens with the OSS ILS offering in
the state, especially in the consortial arena, has the potential to have
an impact on SEO - both positive and negative. Because SEO is an
integral part of the State Library, I would like to make that impact as
positive as possible.
Dianna Clark, Director of SEO, and I have discussed this frankly and
openly. One of the options that we have discussed is setting up an OSS
ILS consortium at SEO for libraries who are interested in taking
advantage of the Evergreen software as is currently available. We have
discussed offering this AS IS while at the same time we identify
functionality which would enhance this software.
Please note: IF this were to be done, this would be done as an
additional service, NOT as a replacement of the Horizon consortium of
SEO. Funding of this service would be independent of the Horizon
consortium funding.
We are in discussions with Equinox to determine the feasibility of this.
These discussions have just begun. I wanted to let you know this was
happening. I brought this up to the Governing Board of SEO on Monday,
March 31st. They were supportive of looking at this option.
As we move forward with these discussions, I promise that I will keep
you all apprised. While we have cancelled the April 23rd
videoconference, we still have one scheduled for May 21st. This may be
an opportune time to bring you up-to-date on our ongoing discussions.
Please watch for details in the upcoming weeks.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this,
please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.
Jo Budler, State Librarian
State Library of Ohio
274 East First Ave, Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43201
Phone: 614-644-6843; 800-686-1532 (Ohio only)
Fax: 614-466-3584
"The State Library of Ohio provides services and resources to assist
state government and libraries in providing the best service to all."
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