[OPLINLIST] 2007 Kentucky Public Library Salary and Benefits Survey Results Now Available Online

Epling, Jimmie (KDLA) Jimmie.Epling at ky.gov
Fri Apr 4 14:10:53 EDT 2008

Kentucky Public Library Salary and Benefits Survey Results Now Available


Announcement Date: Apr. 4, 2008

Location: Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives -


            Recruiting and retaining high caliber staff is becoming
increasingly difficult due to the complexity of today's library
business.  Trustees and library management need benchmarks against which
to compare the pay and benefits they offer their employees.  The Field
Services Division of the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives
(KDLA) completed its second annual survey of public library employee
salaries and benefits in Kentucky in October and November of 2007.  The
goal of the survey was to create a unique management resource that will
aid public library directors and Trustees in developing competitive
salary and benefit packages for their employees in 2008.  The data on
the salaries and benefits public libraries in the state provide their
staff is now available.  

            The survey asked for information in four areas: 1) major
benefits offered; 2) number of hours considered full time at a library;
3) base or starting salary per hour for over 20 positions; and 4)
minimum education required for a position (HS or GED, AA, BA/BS, MLS).
The data provided by each library is confidential.  

The 2007 salary and benefits survey includes data from 43 public
libraries across the state.  The data has been compiled and reported by
the county population served.  The libraries are divided into six
population ranges for the comparison of salary and benefits.  This same
breakdown was done for the 2006 results.  In addition, the 2007 results
are compiled by "revenue received" according to information reported in
the 2006-2007 annual report.

            The population served comparison is helpful because it
illustrates the wide diversity of salaries and benefits paid. The
comparison based on revenues received shows a clear correlation between
the diversity of jobs found in library and the salaries and benefits
provided by the libraries grouped this way.  The results show:


*         Those libraries with annual revenues of under $250,000 have a
smaller diversity in positions and provide fewer benefits, but do pay
similar salaries to those with revenues between $250,000 and $500,000.

*         The diversity of positions found does not vary much between
those receiving between $250,000 and $1,000,000, though their total may
increase in those libraries with higher revenues.

*         The libraries receiving over $2,000,000 have the most diverse
positions in their organizations.  Only one            library reported
having an audio-visual position.

*         Between a quarter and a third of libraries within each group
with part time staff working over 100 hours per month offer some form of
vacation and medical leave benefit.

*         In terms of minimum education required for a particular
position, libraries with revenues under $500,000 require only a high
school diploma or GED for almost every position, with the notable
exception of director.

*         The minimum education required for a position tends to be
higher among libraries that receive over $1,000,000 in annual revenues.


The results for both the 2006 and 2007 surveys are now online at the
KDLA website.  The 2007 salary and benefits survey results may be found
at  http://kdla.ky.gov/libsupport/survey/salary-results.htm
<http://kdla.ky.gov/libsupport/survey/salary-results2006.html> .  The
2006 survery results are at




Jimmie Epling

Regional Library Consultant

FIVCO/Big Sandy Regional Office

Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

P.O. Box 370, 122 South Main Cross St.

Louisa, KY 41230-0370

O: 606.638.4797   C: 606.521.0107   F: 606.638.0586

jimmie.epling at ky.gov




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