[OPLINLIST] Spring Database Preview and statewide database collection

Stephen Hedges hedgesst at oplin.org
Tue Apr 8 14:44:56 EDT 2008

As you are reviewing databases in this year's Public Library Database
Preview (http://ohionet.org/ref2008_preview.php) you may find yourself
wondering which databases are going to be provided statewide.

The current selection of statewide databases has been provided over the
last five years by Libraries Connect Ohio (LCO), using some funds provided
by an LSTA grant from the State Library and other funds provided by OPLIN,
OhioLINK, and INFOhio (the LCO partners). The LSTA funding for future years
was contingent upon an RFP to re-evaluate the current collection of
databases to make sure we were getting the best products at the best

The new selection of statewide databases will not be official until
negotiations are completed and the funding has been approved by the State
Library Board on April 24. Meanwhile, I can share with you that there will
not be major shifts in the ~type~ of databases provided. You will probably
see a few new vendors represented, but no major changes in the subject
areas covered.

Enjoy the database preview, and watch for announcements of the next
statewide collection of databases as soon as possible after April 24.

Stephen Hedges, Executive Director
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 130
Columbus, Ohio  43204
614-728-5250    AIM: hedgesst

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