[OPLINLIST] FW: [ftrf-l] Announcing the Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship

Kent Oliver koliver at starklibrary.org
Wed Apr 23 08:28:27 EDT 2008

FYI, Kent

Kent Oliver, Executive Director
Stark County District Library
715 Market Ave., N., Canton, OH 44702
W: 330 458 2710 FAX: 330 455 9596
KOliver at starklibrary.org<mailto:KOliver at starklibrary.org>
"[L]ibraries in the United States can contribute to a future that values and protects freedom of speech in a world that celebrates both our similarities and our differences, respects individuals and their beliefs, and holds all persons truly equal and free."-Libraries: An American Value<http://www.ala.org/alaorg/oif/lib_val.html>

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-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Kelley [mailto:jokelley at ala.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:10 PM
To: ftrf-l at ala.org
Subject: [ftrf-l] Announcing the Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship

***Please forward to any library school students or new professionals who may be interested.***

Dear Friends:

The Freedom to Read Foundation is pleased to announce the Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship, which enables library school students and new professionals to attend an ALA Annual Conference.  The 2008 ALA Annual Conference is scheduled for June 26-July 2 in Anaheim, California.

The Conable Scholarship will provide for registration, transportation, housing for six nights, and a per diem. In return, the recipient will be expected to attend various FTRF and other intellectual freedom meetings and programs at conference, consult with a mentor/board member, and present a report about their experiences.

The deadline to apply for the scholarship is May 5, 2008.  For more information and to apply, please visit http://www.ala.org/ala/oif/oifprograms/ifawards/conablescholarship/Conablemain.cfm.

Attached you will find a press release with additional details.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

Jonathan Kelley
FTRF Program Coordinator

Free People Read Freely(r)
Jonathan Kelley
Freedom to Read Foundation
50 E. Huron St.
Chicago, IL  60611
(312) 280-4221
(800) 545-2433 x4221 toll-free
(312) 280-4227 fax

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