[OPLINLIST] Online courses in Knowledge Management and Business Process Management at Kent State University

FILIPAN, RHONDA rfilipan at kent.edu
Tue Apr 29 11:28:34 EDT 2008

The Information Architecture and Knowledge Management 
(http://iakm.kent.edu) program at Kent State University is offering 
two online courses this summer (May 19 - August 8) as courses for 
continuing education, for an online certificate program in Knowledge 
Management or a Master's Degree in Knowledge Management.  They are:

(1) Effective Knowledge Management in Organizations

The course features interviews with top KM professionals.  Its 
facilitator is Robert Frey, a Principal in the consultancy, 
Successful Proposal Strategies, LLC. He held the position of Senior 
Vice President of Knowledge Management and Proposal Development in RS 
Information Systems, Inc. (RSIS) from 1999 to 2007. Mr. Frey 
developed and implemented knowledge-sharing and knowledge-transfer 
mechanisms throughout RSIS to capture and leverage best practices, 
project success stories, lessons learned, client intelligence, and 
emerging technologies.

(2) Business Process Management

The course instructor is A'isha Ajayi, who is completing a Ph.D. at 
Kent State University and who holds Master of Science degrees in 
Information Resources Management and Telecommunications Management, 
both from Syracuse University.  She is currently an Assistant 
Professor, Graduate School of Management at Kent State 
University.  Previous positions were held at Rochester Institute of 
Technology, SUNY at Utica and IBM as Systems Engineer.  Presently she 
is President and Consultant for the eLanta Technology Group.

For further information, about these courses, our online KM 
certificate program or our online Master of Science degree in KM, 
visit http://iakm.kent.edu, email iakm at kent.edu or call (330) 
672-5840.   At the IAKM site, you will find a sampler of actual 
online delivery of courses as well as online video presentation of 
the KM degree, certificate program and courses.

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