Chip Kruthoffer c.kruthoffer at lanepl.org
Fri Dec 12 12:29:45 EST 2008

We could rely on 100+ uses of a VHS tape but find 25-50 is the normal range
of DVD circs before we start encountering problems. We have a commercial DVD
cleaner we use on DVDs that come back with a complaint or appear worn [RTI
EcoSmart <http://www.discchek.com/ecosmart.html>]. It does an amazing job,
but it is a hassle, given the amount of DVDs we circ.

*From: "Marsha Wagner" <mwagner at canalfultonlibrary.org>
Subject: [OPLINLIST] How many circulations for a feature film DVD before you
weed it?
*At a previous library we weeded any VHS tape that had 300-400 circulations,
200 for juvenile as we thought it would have been viewed multiple times.  Do
any of the libraries on the list automatically weed a DVD after a certain
number of circulation.  These would be items not complained about by patrons
as "hanging up" in certain places.  Please respond to the list as I'm sure
we are all curious about what weeding practices others employ.  I'm
especially interested in what the urban libraries such as Cleveland,
Columbus and Cincinnati do.  Thanks in advance for your assistance in this
matter.  My staff member who asked this question is a Children's Department
* *
*Marsha Wagner
Canal Fulton Public Library

Chip Kruthoffer, Systems Manager
Lane Public Library ~ http://www.lanepl.org
1396 University Blvd. (Admin. Center)
Hamilton, Ohio 45011
Phone: (513) 785-2706 ~ Fax: (513) 894-6558
Email: c <dot> kruthoffer <at> lanepl <dot> org
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