[OPLINLIST] Circulating MP3 Players

Michael Vollmar-Grone vollmami at oplin.org
Tue Feb 12 09:09:13 EST 2008

Hi Gerry,
We’ve been circulating 10 Creative Zen V digital media players since 
October. The number seems right for the local population of 45,000 as we 
range from having a couple MP3 Players on the shelf waiting to having 
just a couple of Holds. Borrowing for 28 days is currently limited to 
Adults and no renewals. Fines are $1.00 a day.

On the downside, I had to return one unit for servicing shortly after 
the warranty ran out. Two units are currently overdue.

We are not loading content although we do offer a download station 
dedicated to the Ohio eBook Project for the public to use in Digital 
Media Services.

All content is removed and the unit recharged when returned.

We had 3 hands-on training sessions with the Digital Media staff and 
individual follow up sessions to learn how to use and service the 
players. None of the seven of us owned an MP3 Player and so had limited 
knowledge. Parents of teenagers had a decided edge in the learning 
curve, or at least had experienced users to consult.

I chose the Creative Zen V unit based on compatibility with Overdrive 
and recommendations from a variety of sources including the Audiobook 
listserv. The unit is rechargeable and has some additional features that 
simpler models do not offer such as Media Transfer Protocol.

Because of MTP, we must circulate the installation CD for customers to 
install the software on their computers. We have reports of some 
computers recognizing the devices without an install, but none of the 
computers at the library duplicated that.

We include a hard, inexpensive amplified speaker case for additional 
protection and flexibility when using the player. It plays loud enough 
to use in an automobile in a driving rain, one of my pre-circulation 
test experiences. All components are packaged in a soft case about the 
size of a paperback which has pockets for the USB cable, and room for 
the CD in a protective case, the speaker case, and a set of Quick 
Instructions for Ohio eBook and the MP3 Player. The whole package costs 
about $100.

My second choice is the Creative Nano which is a very easy to use, 
battery operated MP3 Player. It also is compatible with Overdrive and 
was recommended by a number of listserv participants.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Michael Vollmar-Grone
Director of Digital Media Services
Shelby County Libraries
230 East North Street
Sidney, OH 45365
vollmami at oplin.org

Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 19:41:19 -0500
From: "Gerry Vogel" <gvogel at avonlake.lib.oh.us>
Subject: [OPLINLIST] Circulating MP3 Players
To: <oplinlist at oplin.org>
<8A49DDD66B0E414FACC999098E81FC9FC026A8 at alpls10.main.avonlake.lib.oh.us>

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I have a question for those on the list.

We would like to circulate MP3 players to help support our Eaudiobooks
programs and as a nice thing to do. We would not be loading the books
on for them (at this point), just giving them the chance to try
something they may have no experience with and let them try for

Is anybody else doing this? How do you keep it simple for patrons and
staff? Any product you are fond of? Or not? Any issues that have come

Gerry Vogel, MLIS
Assistant Director, Avon Lake Public Library
32649 Electric Blvd. Avon Lake OH 44012 www.alpl.org
tel: 440-933-8128 x239 fax: 440-933-6406 cell: 440-258-8925

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