[OPLINLIST] Need suggestions regarding need of a patron with low vision

Carol Pelz cpelz at ghpl.org
Wed Jan 23 12:14:05 EST 2008

We have a mature patron with low vision who loves playing piano.  She 
wishes to begin taking lessons again and learn new music, but her vision 
limitation makes it highly difficult.  We are trying to find an 
'elegant' solution for her.  Considerations are:  Buy a scanner and 
printer which can do larger paper so the music could be scanned and 
printed on larger sheets (what scanner, printer and software is best)  
OR get a scanner, software and flat panel--scan and save the music, then 
put the panel on the piano and scroll the music with remote mouse (again 
what can make this work).  This patron is not the techie type nor does 
she have someone who can spend hours on the project, so a "out of the 
box" solution is best.

We are confident this has been done by others, so we are not wishing to 
redo good research.  Please share with us your knowledge on this or send 
this to someone you know who is current in the area of low vision 
accommodation.  Local companies specializing in low vision are 
attempting to sell units which are unwieldy and not easy to use.   
Thanks in advance for any help!


Carol Pelz
Grandview Hts Public Library

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