[OPLINLIST] Ohio Historical Society Hosts Digital Projects 101 Workshop

Angela O'Neal aoneal at ohiohistory.org
Wed Jun 4 10:01:07 EDT 2008

Ohio Historical Society Hosts Digital Projects 101 Workshop

Are you considering a digitization project? Not sure where to start? The
Ohio Historical Society's Digital Projects staff will lead a workshop on
Wednesday, June 18th at the Ohio Historical Center in Columbus. The
workshop will be offered again on Saturday, June 21st. This full-day
workshop covers: 

	*	Planning a digital project 
	*	Selection criteria 
	*	Copyright 
	*	Selecting equipment 
	*	Metadata for digital images 
	*	Online access options
	*	Software choices 
	*	Funding for digital projects 
	*	Digital Preservation

Participants will come away from the workshop with a broad knowledge of
the components of a digitization project, as well as general plan for a
digital project. The workshop will be held May from 9:30 to 4:00 at the
Ohio Historical Society, 1982 Velma Ave, Columbus, Ohio. Registration is
$60 for OHS/OAHSM members or $75 for non-members. Lunch and handouts are
included. Register online at:
spx or contact Angela O'Neal for a paper order form. Questions? Contact
Angela O'Neal, Digital Projects Manager, Ohio Historical Society, at
(614) 297-2576 or aoneal at ohiohistory.org

Please excuse cross-postings.





Angela O'Neal
Digital Projects Manager 
Ohio Historical Society 
(614) 297-2576 


View our collections online:


Be Changed. Visit Capture the Moment: The Pulitzer Prize Photographs.
Powerful images that have changed the way we think. Developed by the
Newseum, the interactive museum of news, in association with Business of
Entertainment, Inc. NYC, Cyma Rubin, curator, on exhibit at the Ohio
Historical Center Museum in Columbus from April 25 through July 25,
2008. Visit www.ohiohistory.org/capture
<blocked::http://www.ohiohistory.org/capture>   for details. 

Are you a member? Membership is more valuable than ever, with four
featured exhibits scheduled during the next 12 months! Learn more today
at www.ohiohistory.org/about/mem.html
<blocked::http://www.ohiohistory.org/about/mem.html> .



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