[OPLINLIST] Question for grants coordinator

Missy Lodge MLODGE at sloma.state.oh.us
Thu Jun 26 11:43:03 EDT 2008

The best way to get information out to Ohio librarians is via the OPLIN
(public library) listserv and INFOhio (school library) listserv.  Their
addresses to post are:  oplinlist at oplin.org and INFOHIO-L at NWOCA.OHIO.GOV


Missy Lodge
Head, Library Programs and Development
800.686.1532 (Ohio only)
614.466.3584 (fax)
The State Library of Ohio provides services and resources to assist
state government and libraries in providing the best service to all

-----Original Message-----
From: OUTCOMES [mailto:outcomes at iupui.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:13 AM
To: Missy Lodge
Subject: Question for grants coordinator

Dear Ms. Lodge,

I am a Graduate Assistant at the School of Library and Information
Science at Indiana University (Indianapolis). For my GA assignment, I am
working on the Shaping Outcomes Continuing Education Project.  Shaping
Outcomes is a five-module instructor-mediated online course for library
and museum professional, based upon Outcomes Based Planning and
Evaluation, an emerging "best practice" in library and museum studies.
It prepares students to plan internal projects and to produce robust
design and evaluation plans for grant proposals. Our web address is:
www.shapingoutcomes.com and we are also a "Featured Online Resource" on
the IMLS website ( http://www.imls.gov/resources/resources.shtm ).

The Institute for Library and Museum Services (IMLS), which funded the
development and testing of the course, has now provided support for a
"continuing education" phase.  The cost per person (or working group) is
$150, with IMLS-provided scholarships for students in organizations
serving economically disadvantaged populations.
I came across your name as the person in charge of grants for your
state. We would love to extend the opportunity to take our course to
potential and current grant recipients. How do we go about advertising
to library professionals through your organization, specifically
focusing on groups interested in LSTA and other grant funds? Any help
that you can provide would be greatly appreciated!


Melissa Moster
Shaping Outcomes, Project Coordinator
University Library
755 West Michigan Street, UL3100
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
memoster at iupui.edu

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