[OPLINLIST] FW: [alacro-l] Barbara M. Jones Named Director of ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom

Hickson-Stevenson, Pamela phs at akronlibrary.org
Thu Dec 3 09:02:54 EST 2009

News from the American Library Association.



Pamela J. Hickson-Stevenson, Ohio Chapter Councilor to ALA and 

Assistant Director

Akron-Summit County Public Library

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From: Don Wood [mailto:dwood at ala.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 10:27 AM
To: alacro-l at ala.org
Subject: [alacro-l] Barbara M. Jones Named Director of ALA Office for
Intellectual Freedom


Please join me in welcoming Barbara M. Jones, Director, ALA Office for
Intellectual Freedom, and Executive Director, Freedom to Read
Foundation, effective December 14, 2009.  In her letter of application,
Barbara noted: "Twenty-first century IF issues are evolving quickly from
those of the twentieth, due to the following: globalization of
intellectual freedom issues; technology and privacy concerns; and an
increasingly contentious civic discourse as witnessed in the recent
health care Town Meetings...New intellectual freedom issues will need to
be articulated in terms of our unchanging IF ideals - to the ALA
membership, the general public, and to the organizations with which ALA


Barbara Jones brings a rich background in library administration,
scholarship and intellectual freedom advocacy to this position.  From
2003-2009 she was the Caleb T. Winchester University Librarian and
Deans' Council Member at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT.   She
held previous library directorships at Union College, the University of
Northern Iowa, and the Fashion Institute of Technology (SUNY), as well
as administrative positions at the University of Illinois
(Urbana-Champaign), Minnesota Historical Society, New York University
and Teachers College Library, Columbia University.


In 1995, Barbara Jones received a Ph.D, in U.S. Legal History, from the
University of Minnesota/Twin Cities.  She also holds an M.A. in History,
Archival Management, and Historical Editing from New York University; an
M.L.S. from the Columbia University School of Library Service; an M.A.T.
in English from Northwestern University; and, a B.A. in English from
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  She is a member of Phi Beta


Barbara brings twenty-five years of active engagement on intellectual
freedom issues to her new position.  She currently serves as Treasurer,
Freedom to Read Foundation.  She served on the FAIFE (Freedom of Access
to Information and Freedom of Expression) IFLA Standing Committee,
serving as Secretary to FAIFE from 2007-2009.  She was a member of the
ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee (1990-1994, 2001-2003) and currently
serves on the IFC Privacy Subcommittee (2009). In 2004-05 (and 1986-87)
she served as Chair of the Intellectual Freedom Round Table.  She is
currently an ACRL Legislative Advocate and has also served on state
Intellectual Freedom Committees in Iowa and Minnesota.  As a FAIFE
trainer and expert advisor, Barbara has developed curricula and training
programs, and conducted workshops internationally. 


In addition, Barbara has consulted, spoken and written extensively in
the area of intellectual freedom.  In 2009, she published Intellectual
Freedom in Academic Libraries with ALA Editions.  Earlier writing
includes Libraries, Access, and Intellectual Freedom: Developing
Policies for Public and Academic Libraries (ALA Editions, 1999) and a
number of articles and chapters, including "Libel Tourism: What
Librarians Need to Know," for American Libraries (2009-2010). 


Barbara Jones received the Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award
from the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and
Information Science in 2008.  She was named to the Freedom to Read
Foundation Honor Roll at their 30th anniversary gala in 1999.  


Thanks go to the members of the search committee for a successful
effort:  Kenton L. Oliver, president, Freedom to Read Foundation; Martin
L. Garnar, 2009-2010 chair, ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee; Mario
Ascencio, 2009-2010 chair, ALA Committee on Legislation; J. Douglas
Archer, 2008-2009 chair, ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee; Mary
Taylor, executive director, Library and Information Technology
Association; Karen O'Brien, director, ALA Office for Accreditation;
Cynthia Vivian, director, ALA Human Resources; and, Mary Ghikas, senior
associate executive director, ALA. 



Don Wood

Program Officer

Chapter Relations Office

American Library Association

50 East Huron Street

Chicago, IL 60611

dwood at ala.org

1-800-545-2433, ext. 2429


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