[OPLINLIST] Ohio Preservation Council

George W. S. Hays haysgws at oplin.org
Sun Feb 15 09:20:25 EST 2009

Good morning,


I am pleased to forward the following the invitation to you from Sue Dunlap,
Chair of the Ohio Preservation Council:



Dear Colleague:


You are cordially invited to join (or renew your membership in) the Ohio
Preservation Council.


The OPC is a coalition of preservationists, conservators, librarians,
archivists, curators, records managers and others who recognize the serious
threat to documentary heritage.  The OPC serves as a forum for articulating
preservation concerns, discussing conservation issues, sharing current
information, and promoting a systematic approach to preservation efforts as
well as materials conservation throughout Ohio.


This coming September, OPC will be celebrating its 25th anniversary with a
special symposium, Celebrating Paper.  Nicholas Basbanes will be our keynote
speaker.  Other speakers will include Dard Hunter III and Bill Laidlaw.
There will be sessions on paper marbling, book arts, and paper preservation,
as well as the opportunity to interact with regional books arts
organizations.  OPC members will receive a discount on any OPC sponsored
event, including this important anniversary symposium.


The OPC offers opportunities for members to become involved with
preservation efforts statewide through serving on standing committees
(Finance, Education & Programs, Marketing & Outreach and Local Arrangements)
assisting with training/instruction and participation in specialized
projects.  Through such involvement members make contact with colleagues at
other institutions.  An important aspect of membership in the OPC is
networking with other professionals whose dedication, experience and support
cannot be undervalued.  OPC members believe that cooperative, statewide
efforts across geographic and professional lines are needed to meet
preservation challenges.  OPC is an indispensable resource for doing this.


Membership meetings are held on the third Thursday of March, May, September
and November.  Meetings often include "behind the scenes" tours of cultural
facilities complete with demonstrations of specialized skills by members and
guests.  All members are invited to attend.  See the OPC website for meeting
locations and times at http://opc.ohionet.org <http://opc.ohionet.org/> .


Help us continue to meet preservation needs in Ohio.   Membership runs from
January-December.  Visit  <http://opc.ohionet.org/> http://opc.ohionet.org
and click on  <http://opc.ohionet.org/opcjoin.html> How to Join for dues
information and application form.   Dues are payable to the Ohio
Preservation Council in care of OHIONET at 1500 W. Lane Avenue, Columbus,
Ohio 43221-3975 attn: Jennifer Turner. 


Yours sincerely,


Sue Dunlap

OPC chair

sdunlap at wooster.edu 





George W. S. Hays

Consulting Services


I cannot live without books. ~ Thos. Jefferson


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