[OPLINLIST] Spotlight On WebJunction Ohio Courses…”Le@d: University of North Texas”

Jay Burton oplinlistonly at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 4 12:16:18 EST 2009

Spotlight On WebJunction Ohio Courses…”Le at d: University of North Texas”
Whether you are interested in basic budgeting, writing grants or the intricacies of reaching reluctant readers, the Le at d courses from WebJunction Ohio may be just the ticket.
Available at WebJunction Ohio oh.webjunction.org these online continuing education courses from the University of North Texas provide first class professional development for anyone holding a WebJunction Ohio user account.
Access is simple, visit the WJOH website oh.webjunction.org and log in using your WJOH account, select the “Course Catalog” tab and follow the instructions to register and begin the selected course.
As part of the WebJunction Ohio service, these courses are available at no charge, for any Ohio library staff member. Le at d courses include:
Budgets & Finance:
	* Basic Budgeting 
	* Financial Management
	* Gifts for Libraries: Be Careful What You Wish For
	* Grant Writing Basics
	* Understanding Budgets
Library Administration and Management
	* Becoming an Effective Trustee
	* Change Management and Leadership
	* Ethical Standards for Library Leadership
	* Ethics in the Real World: Library Case Studies
	* Retailing Methods and Techniques in Libraries
	* Volunteers: Recruitment, Development, and Supervision
Staff Development
	* Leadership for Libraries: Becoming an Everyday Leader
	* Improving Co-Worker Relations
	* Improving Your Communication Skills: Presentation Skills for Librarians
	* Influence: Even When You Don't Have Power or Authority
	* Managing Difficult Patrons with Confidence!
	* Providing Excellent Customer Service in a Multi-Cultural Environment
	* Using Databases
	* Harnessing the Internet
	* Info-Age Etiquette
	* RFID Technology
Library Services
	* Copyright Basics for Libraries
	* Library Privacy & Confidentiality: Law & Policy
	* Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults
	* Trends in Children's Literature
	* Reaching Reluctant Readers
	* Reaching Teenagers
	* Weeding: It's Not an Option
School Library Services
	* Copyright Issues in the Classroom and School Library
	* Creating Collaborative Lessons for the Elementary School
	* Creating Collaborative Lessons for the Secondary School
	* Creating Compelling Programming in Your School Library
	* Creating and Maintaining an Engaging School Library Website
Plenty of seats available…so sign up for a course now.
Questions? Contact  Jay Burton at jburton at sloma.state.oh.us


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