[OPLINLIST] Putting on the Supervisory C.A.P.E. – Creating A Positive Environment - Online Wimba Workshop

SWON Libraries info at swonlibraries.org
Thu May 21 09:45:39 EDT 2009

*This announcement has been posted to several lists.  Our apologies for 
any duplication. *
*This workshop has been approved for 3 Library Education Units (LEUs) 
from the Indiana State Library.*

    Putting on the Supervisory C.A.P.E. – Creating A Positive Environment



      Date & Time

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
*Session I:*  Monday, June 8, 2009
*Session II:* Monday, June 15, 2009
* Session III:* Monday, June 22, 2009


At your desk--through the Online Wimba Classroom


*Linda Bruno* has been helping people grow, both professionally and 
personally, for over 10 years. She works with libraries, universities, 
Chambers of Commerce, corporations and other organizations to help them 
nurture their most valuable resource – their employees.

Linda’s ability to combine humor and real-life experience with her 
knowledge of people enables her to relate to her audience in a unique 
way. With more than twenty years of hands-on management in positions 
such as Director of Purchasing, Vice President of Sales and Vice 
President of Customer Relations, she has developed a keen insight into 
what works in the real world. Linda’s experience as a national trainer 
with Dun & Bradstreet has also expanded her ability to communicate 

Participants leave Linda’s workshops with the tools they need to help 
them enjoy life more, both personally and professionally.


*Three Part Series - Each session will be an hour long from 9:00 a.m. - 
10:00 a.m.*

June 8, 2009 - Session I: Creating a Motivating Environment
June 15, 2009 - Session II: The Power of Praise
June 22, 2009 - Session III: Coaching for a Win-Win

Supervising people can be one of the toughest parts of your job...but it 
doesn’t have to be! In this 3-part series, we’ll discuss motivation; 
what it is and what it isn’t. We’ll brainstorm together to create a list 
of ways you can help create a motivating environment. We’ll discover the 
power in praise, and how to use it effectively. Tips on effective 
coaching and counseling will help you reduce the need for reprimands – 
whew! What a relief! Don’t miss this 3-part series; even if you can’t 
attend all 3 sessions, you’re sure to find tips and techniques you can 
use immediately to continue your quest to Create A Positive Environment.

Session I, Creating a Motivating Environment, gets right down to the 
nitty-gritty. What is motivation and what does it look like in our 
workplace? What do employees really want? How can we provide what they 
want without “breaking the bank” – or the budget in our case? During 
this session, we’ll brainstorm as a group to come up with a list of at 
least 15 no- or low-cost ways of creating a motivating 
environment...this one’s going to help us get our creative juices 
flowing – you won’t want to miss it!

In Session II, The Power of Praise, we’ll discuss just that – the 
incredible power of praise – when to give it, how to give it, and to 
whom. You’ll receive 8 “praise phrases” that show people you’ve noticed 
and appreciate who they are. We’ll discuss why singing the praises of 
your employees helps create that motivating environment we all like to 
work in. And I know you! You’re thinking, “But I have someone whose 
praises don’t warrant singing.” Ah, well...we’ll see about that!

Session III, Coaching for a Win-Win, helps us deal with coaching and 
counseling, before the need for a reprimand arises. You’ll know when to 
use which technique, why it’s important to consider the differences, and 
why supervisors tend to avoid these vital areas of effective management. 
You’ll also be given tools that will help you deal with the dreaded case 
of the necessary reprimand – and you’ll leave the workshop feeling more 
confident in your ability to handle it well. It’s an area most of us 
would rather forget – but as supervisors, it’s not likely we’ll get off 
scot-free. Why not feel in control when handling these necessary parts 
of your job?

This workshop has been approved for 3 Library Education Units (LEUs) 
from the Indiana State Library.


No meal is provided with this event.


The deadline to register is Friday, June 5th, 2009

    * *Contributing Member of SWON Libraries - Entire Series (3
      sessions, see dates in description).*
      $35 (includes entire series). **
    * *Friend of SWON Libraries - Entire Series (3 sessions, see dates
      in description).*
      $35 (includes entire series). **
    * *Contributing Member of NEO-RLS, NORWELD, or SERLS - Entire Series
      (3 sessions, see dates in description). *
      $35 (includes entire series). **
    * *Other - Entire Series (3 sessions, see dates in description).*
      $85 (includes entire series). **

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