[OPLINLIST] Which staff should work extra hours?

malonegl@oplin.org malonegl at oplin.org
Mon Nov 16 15:15:27 EST 2009

We are wondering how other libraries determine which staff members are
asked to work extra hours.

For example -  we are short staffed due to budget cuts and staff on sick
leave.  We have a few hours that we need someone to come in and help out
on desk.  There may also come a time when someone calls in sick and we
need to ask another staff person to work extra hours.

Should anyone have the opportunity to work the extra hours?  Should we
only ask part time or only full time?  Should it be determined by

At our library, everyone is able to work the circulation and receptionist
desk, so that would not be a factor in who would be asked to work.

This has nothing to do with overtime since we have cut back everyone’s
hours and we would not be asking them to work more than 40 hours a week. 
BUT, if you have a method for choosing which of your staff work overtime,
we may be able to use the same method.

I know this may be confusing.  Thank you in advance for any advice!!

Gloria Malone

Gloria Malone, Reference
Champaign County Library
1060 Scioto Street, Urbana, OH  43078

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