[OPLINLIST] Internet Filtering Assistance Program (reminder)

Stephen Hedges hedgesst at oplin.org
Thu Sep 10 09:32:26 EDT 2009


_The OPLIN Internet Filtering Assistance Program for 2009-2010_

Since 2001, the Ohio Public Library Information Network has offered
financial assistance to public libraries interested in implementing
filtering technology for managing public access to the Internet. In the
current biennium budget, the State Legislature allocated additional
funds to OPLIN for this purpose, stipulating that these funds, "...
shall be used to help local libraries use filters to screen out obscene
and illegal internet materials." OPLIN will make up to $81,000 available
to libraries for this program in state Fiscal Year 2010.

Eligibility: Any Ohio public library system that wishes to install or
maintain filters to screen out obscene and illegal Internet materials on
any of its public access computers is encouraged to apply for funds.
Filters used primarily to block viruses and malware are not eligible for

Assistance Program: OPLIN will provide assistance to a library system up
to $4,500 of the cost of implementing Internet content filtering
technology. The money may be used for software, hardware, or support
fees directly related to the implementation of content filtering. *Note:
this is not a reimbursement program -- these funds cannot be used to
reimburse libraries for monies already spent on filters.

Application Requirements: A library interested in obtaining assistance
to implement or maintain a content filtering solution must provide the
following information:

   1. Library name, address, telephone number, and fax number
   2. Director’s name, telephone number, and e-mail address
   3. Grant contact’s name, telephone number, and e-mail address
   4. Name and cost of filtering software, hardware, and/or support
(total budget not to exceed $4,500)
   5. Description of each software, hardware, and/or support component
of the filtering solution
   6. Vendor price quotes in electronic format for uploading
   7. A list of library buildings in which filtering will be
implemented; also the number of workstations which will be filtered

To apply for funds, go to http://oplin.org/grantapplication/.

Applications must be completed by Friday, October 2, 2009.

Detailed information on filtering options is available from the vendors
(See a list at http://www.libraryfiltering.org). If you know of a
filtering vendor that is not represented on the list, please ask them to
contact OPLIN Support at support at oplin.org.

Additional information about CIPA and filtering is available from OLC
(http://olc.org/CIPAIntro.asp) or ALA

Program Guidelines:

In the event that eligible requests exceed the amount of available
money, assistance will be awarded following these priorities:

   1. New filtering measures (first funding priority)
   2. Upgrades or expansion of existing filters
   3. Maintenance or renewal of existing filters

Further determination will be based on financial need. Need is defined
by the "Total Overall Revenue" in the most recent Ohio Public Library
Statistics published by the State Library of Ohio, and assistance will
be awarded beginning with the library with the lowest total overall

Each library receiving assistance will sign a contract agreeing to use
the funds as described in their request. Contracts will commence on
January 1, 2010; libraries may not purchase filters until these
contracts are in effect.

Filtering solutions funded by this program should be installed and
operational by June 30, 2010; all grant funds received must definitely
be encumbered to vendors by that date.

Libraries will be expected to maintain the proposed filtering solution
for at least one year. If a library removes the filtering solution, the
library will notify OPLIN of the date the filter was removed and the
reasons for its removal.

Each library receiving assistance will submit two reports to the State
Library. The first, to be submitted no later than July 15, 2010, will be
a financial report documenting expenditure of the grant funds. The
second, to be submitted after the filtering solution is implemented but
no later than July 15, 2011, will be a narrative description of the
installation or implementation of the filtering solution. Forms will be
provided for submitting these reports.

Stephen Hedges, Director
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 130
Columbus, Ohio  43204
614-728-5250    AIM: hedgesst

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