[OPLINLIST] Saving Our Libraries One Grant at a Time

Deberah England deberah.england at wright.edu
Thu Apr 8 12:08:39 EDT 2010

ALAO-SSIG is presenting *Saving Our Libraries One Grant at a Time.* A 
face-to-face grant writing workshop. May 14, 2010 from 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.  
at OhioNet. Becky Cropper will be presenting. She has had grant funding 
in the range of $100,000 since 1987. The grants have been from private 
foundations, United Way and government grants used for a variety of 
educational programs.
As our budgets keep getting smaller SSIG had decided we need to help 
find ways to supplement those budgets. Therefore we have decided to 
offer this course. Space is limited so register early. Please find  the 
workshop registration form below. If you need more information please 
email Mary Ayres at mayres at sscc.edu <mailto:mayres at sscc.edu> or Kathy 
Burns at kburns at sscc.edu. <mailto:kburns at sscc.edu>


*Saving Our Libraries One Grant at a Time *Support Staff Interest Group

                 ALAO-SSIG 2010 Spring Workshop

                 A Face-to-Face Grant Writing Workshop

                      May 14, 2010, Friday, 9:00 a.m. -- 3:00 p.m.


                      1500 West Lane Avenue                          
                         Columbus, Ohio 43221-3975

                                                Continental Breakfast -  
Provided Lunch will be on your own

                                                Registration 9:00 a.m. 
-- 9:30 a.m.            


Keynote Becky Cropper -- Mrs. Cropper has worked for Ohio State 
University Extension for 32 years.  Since 1987 she has had grant funding 
in the range of $100,000.00 to support local 4-H programs.  The grants 
have been from private foundations, United Way and government grants 
used for a variety of educational programs. 

The workshop will be hands on for the participants who will "write" a 
grant during the daylong session.

Driving Directions to 
OhioNet:  http://www.ohionet.org/about/maps-directions      
Handicapped Accessible              *
Registrations due May 2, 2010            
No Refunds after April 25, 2010*


----- Registration form ---- cut here and mail with payment to address 


_  ____________________________________________________                      


Institution: _______________________________________ 
________                      ____________


Address: ____________________________________ 
____________                      _____________




Have You Ever Written a Grant? Yes___     No___


_     __$25 ALAO member 

______$30 Non-member


Space is limited so register early.



*Make checks payable to ALAO and mail with registration to be received 
by May 2^nd to:**  ** *


Amy Werring

Southern State Community College (South Campus)

12681 US Route 62

Sardinia, Ohio 45171


We look forward to seeing you there,

Kathy Burns
Southern State Community College
Learning Resource Center
DRC Coordinator 

Deberah England
Electronic Resources Librarian
Wright State University Libraries
3640 Col. Glenn Hwy.
Dayton, OH 45435-0001
Phone: 937.775.2224
Fax:  937. 775.2481
Email:  deberah.england at wright.edu

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